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Displaying posts with tag: compare (reset)
Always Verify Examples When Comparing DB Products (PostgreSQL and MySQL)

In this blog post, I’ll look at a comparison of PostgreSQL and MySQL.

I came across a post from Hans-Juergen Schoenig, a Postgres consultant at Cybertec. In it, he dismissed MySQL and showed Postgres as better. While his post ignores most of the reasons why MySQL is better, I will focus on where his post is less than accurate. Testing for MySQL was done with Percona Server 5.7, defaults.

Mr. Schoenig complains that MySQL changes data types automatically. He claims inserting 1234.5678 into a numeric(4, 2) column on Postgres produces an error, and that MySQL just rounds the number to fit. In my testing I found this to be a false claim:

mysql> CREATE TABLE data (
    -> id    integer NOT NULL, …
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Introducing MySQL Utilities release-1.2.1

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce our latest release, version 1.2.1. This release contains many quality improvements and enhancements to the HA and Replication utilities. The following lists some of the most significant improvements.

  • Improved transaction gathering algorithm for failover
    • Skips slaves that are already caught up
    • Ensures all transactions in the relay logs on the slaves are executed first
  • External scripts in mysqlfailover and mysqlrpladmin now receive the old and new master information
  • Improved demote master handling for switchover
  • Improved connection error handling
  • Quoting of tables and database names has been improved
  • Login-path feature now reads port and socket

The utilities team continues to focus on improving usability, making features easier to use, and …

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Compare and Synchronize Databases with MySQL Utilities

The mysqldiff and mysqldbcompare utilities were designed to produce a difference report for objects and in the case of mysqldbcompare the data. Thus, you can compare two databases and produce a report of the differences in both object definitions and data rows. 

While that may be very useful, would it not be much more useful to have the ability to produce SQL commands to transform databases? Wait no longer! The latest release of MySQL Utilities has added the ability to generate SQL transformation statements by both the mysqldiff and mysqldbcompare utilities. 

To generate SQL transformations in either utility, simply use the --sql option to tell the utility to produce the statements.

Object Transformations with mysqldiff

If you would like to compare the schema of two databases (the objects and their definitions), mysqldiff can do that for you and produce a difference report …

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Comparison Between Solr And Sphinx Search Servers (Solr Vs Sphinx – Fight!)

In the past few weeks I've been implementing advanced search at Plaxo, working quite closely with Solr enterprise search server. Today, I saw this relatively detailed comparison between Solr and its main competitor Sphinx (full credit goes to StackOverflow user mausch who had been using Solr for the past 2 years). For those still confused, Solr and Sphinx are similar to MySQL FULLTEXT search, or for those even more confused, think Google (yeah, this is a bit of a stretch, I know).


  • Both Solr and Sphinx satisfy all of your requirements. They're fast and designed to index and search large bodies of data efficiently.
  • Both have a long list of high-traffic sites …
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MySQL vs Postgres, Again - Is Postgres Better?

I was browsing the web on this lazy Sunday afternoon and ran across a good article on the Rarest Words blog. The author was trying to get Django installed and running with Postgres. From the author's own admissions, he is not a Postgres fanatic.

Well, this and last year I hear everywhere that PostgreSQL is the way to go and that usage of mySQL in 2008 makes people puke… But without any real arguments (besides "Postgres is the way to go").

After some not so compatible errors with these not so compatible databases, the author did get it working and ran some benchmarks. Postgres did not turn out faster than MySQL. If you ask anyone in the Postgres community which database is faster, they will say Postgres. Ask anyone in the MySQL community and there's no telling what …

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