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Displaying posts with tag: tungsten (reset)
Tungsten Clustering 6.0 and Tungsten Replicator 6.0 are now available!

Continuent is very pleased and excited to announce that the new Tungsten Clustering 6.0 and Tungsten Replicator 6.0 are now available for download by our customers. The 6.0 release is the culmination of over a years work within our clustering product in order to improve the functionality and manageability of what we now call our ‘Multimaster Clustering’ solution. This is the replacement for what we called the multi-site, multi-master (MSMM) clustering functionality in earlier releases. The multimaster clustering allows for multiple clusters, in multiple locations, to be linked together into a single composite cluster. Because it’s a composite cluster, you gain all of the functionality that’s already available in a cluster, such as:

  • High availability
  • Failover
  • Automated recovery
  • Read-write split
  • Maintenance without downtime

But it’s now applied to the …

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Continuent Road Map: One year after restart… Where next?

You may know Continuent Tungsten for our highly advanced MySQL replication tool, Tungsten Replicator, and for our state-of-the-art MySQL clustering solution, Tungsten Clustering. Our solutions are used by leading SaaS vendors, e-commerce, financial services and telco customers.

But there are more, many more, Tungsten deployments out there. Tungsten Replicator can be used for real-time data

MySQL native replication vs. Continuent Tungsten. Webinar Wed 10/11
MySQL native replication vs. Continuent Tungsten. Webinar Wed 10/11
Percona Live Europe 2017 Keynotes Day 2

Black coffee was flowing this morning for day two Percona Live Europe 2017 Keynotes after many of the delegates had spent a good few hours the night before enjoying Irish hospitality at the Community Dinner.

So today Laurie Coffin, Chief Marketing Officer for Percona, introduced proceedings for day two and later also took to the stage for a Q&A session with authors Laine Campbell and Charity Majors. More on that later…

State of the Dolphin

WATCH: Geir Høydalsvik, Development Director for MySQL at Oracle, delivers his keynote “State of the Dolphin”

First up Geir Høydalsvik, Development Director for MySQL at Oracle, delivered juicy tidbits of what to expect in MySQL 8.0 (beyond what you see in the current Developer Milestone Releases). …

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Keynote and Session at Percona Live Dublin 2017

On Sunday I will travel over to Dublin for Percona Live 2017.

I have two sessions, a keynote on the Wednesday morning where I’ll be talking about all the fun new stuff we have planned at Continuent and some new directions we’re working on.

I also have a more detailed session on our new appliers for Kafka, Elasticsearch and Cassandra, that’s Tuesday morning.

If you haven’t already booked to come along, feel free to use the discount code SeeMeSpeakPLE17 which will get you 15% off!

New Webinar: Tungsten Connector – The Secret Behind Zero-Downtime Maintenance and Multi-Site Clusters
New Webinar: Tungsten Connector – The Secret Behind Zero-Downtime Maintenance and Multi-Site Clusters
New Continuent Webinar Wednesdays and Training Tuesdays

We are just starting to get into the swing of setting up our new training and webinar schedule. Initially, there will be one Webinar session (typically on a Wednesday) and one training session (on a Tuesday) every week from now. We’ll be covering a variety of different topics at each. Typically our webinars will be about products and features, comparisons to other products, mixed in with product news (new releases, new features) and individual sessions based on what is going on at Continuent and the market in general. Our training, by comparison, is going to be a hands-on, step-by-step sequence covering all of the different areas of our product. So we’ll cover everything from the basics of how the products work, how to deploy them, typical functionality (switching, start/stop, etc), and troubleshooting. All of the sessions are going to be recorded and we’ll produce a suitable archive page so that you can go and view the past sessions. Need a …

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Kafka Replication from MySQL and Oracle

Hello again everybody.

Well, I promised it a couple of weeks ago, and I’m sorry it has been so long (I’ve been working on other fun stuff in addition to this). But I’m pleased to say that we now have a fully working applier that takes data from an incoming THL stream, whether that is Oracle or MySQL, and converts that into a JSON document and message for distribution over a Kafka topic.

Currently, the configuration is organised with the following parameters:

  • The topic name is set according to the incoming schema and table. You can optionally add a prefix. So, for example, if you have a table ‘invoices’ in the schema ‘sales’, your Kafka topic will be sales_invoices, or if you’ve added a prefix, ‘myprefix_schema_table’.
  • Data is marshalled into a JSON document as part of the message, and the structure is to have a bunch of metadata and then an embedded record. You’ll see an …
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