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Displaying posts with tag: Benchmarking (reset)
TokuMX vs. MongoDB : In-Memory Sysbench Performance

In talking to existing MongoDB users and TokuMX evaluators, I’ve often heard that the performance of MongoDB is very good as long as your working data set fits in RAM. The story continues that if your working data set grows to be larger than the RAM on your server, the built-in sharding capabilities of MongoDB allow you to scale horizontally.

As my benchmarking presentation at Percona Live 2013 pointed out, I’m never one to accept something without at least running it once myself. I decided to run my Sysbench for MongoDB benchmark on an in-memory workload, meaning that all of the data fits …

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iiBench Benchmark: TokuMX vs. MongoDB

Tokutek created the iiBench benchmark back in 2008. The point of the benchmark is to measure the performance of indexed insertions over time. It uses an extremely simple schema, one table with a sequential insertion pattern for the primary key along with three integer fields storing random values. The table maintains 3 secondary indexes, each including several of the random integer fields. The iiBench application itself is currently maintained on Launchpad.

B-tree implementations generally require maintenance operations to update leaf nodes (an insertion is one such operation). When the entire B-tree index does not fit in RAM an IO is required, and performance drops dramatically. Fractal Tree Indexes do not exhibit this performance drop as leaf node …

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Sysbench Benchmark for MongoDB – v0.1.0 Performance Update

Two months ago I posted a performance comparison running Sysbench on MongoDB versus MongoDB with Fractal Tree Indexes v0.0.2. The benchmark showed a 133% improvement in throughput. Nice, but our engineering team had an effort on our road-map for lock refinement that we believed would really boost our performance, which is now available in v0.1.0. The benchmark application itself is unchanged and available on GitHub.

For anyone curious about Sysbench itself, the details are available from the prior blog. The only change for this run was hardware. Our Sun x4150 server recently began rebooting itself at random times, so it has been replaced with a newer HP server. Another change is …

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Slides from my Percona Live “Benchmarking” presentation

I finally posted a copy of the slides from my Percona Live presentation, “Creating a Benchmarking Infrastructure that Just Works”.  The PDF is available via this link.

The content comes from my personal experiences over many years benchmarking and testing databases, usually focusing on performance.  It was an opportunity to see how far my personal benchmark infrastructure has evolved, but even better has inspired me to improve it in several areas.

I never had a chance to to my own post-conference wrap-up regarding the Percona Live show.  While waiting for my flight home at SFO airport I concluded that it was by far the best technology conference I’ve ever attended.  The …

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Benchmarking Percona Server TokuDB vs InnoDB

After compiling Percona Server with TokuDB, of course I wanted to compare InnoDB performance vs TokuDB.
I have a particular workload I’m interested in testing – it is an insert-intensive workload (which is TokuDB’s strong suit) with some roll-up aggregation, which should produce updates in-place (I will use INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements for that), so it will produce all good amount of reads.

A few words about the hardware: I am going to use new the Dell PowerEdge R420 with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2450 0 @ 2.10GHz, 48GB of RAM and SATA SSD: Kingston HyperX 3K 240 GB.

Workload: I will use two different schemas. The first schema is from sysbench, and the table looks like:


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TokuDB Fast Update Benchmark

Last month my colleague Rich Prohaska covered the technical details of our “Fast Update” feature which we added to TokuDB in version 6.6.  The message based architecture of Fractal Tree Indexes allows us to defer certain operations while still maintaining the semantics that MySQL users require.

In the case of Fast Updates, TokuDB is avoiding the read-before-write requirement that the existing MySQL update statement imposes on storage engines.  We can simply inject an update message into the Fractal Tree Index, and apply that message at a later time.  The message is dynamically applied if a user selects that specific row, and permanently when the message buffers …

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Sysbench Benchmark for MongoDB

As we continue to test our Fractal Tree Indexing with MongoDB, I’ve been updating my benchmark infrastructure so I can compare performance, correctness, and resource utilization.  Sysbench has long been a standard for testing MySQL performance, so I created a version that is compatible with MongoDB.  You can grab my current version of Sysbench for MongoDB here.

So what exactly is Sysbench?  According to the Sysbench homepage, “Sysbench is a modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool for evaluating OS [Operating System] parameters that are important for a system running a database under intensive load.”

  • Sysbench schema
    • 16 copies of the same collection, named sbtest1 … sbtest16, each with 10 …
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Webinar: Best Practices for a Successful TokuDB Evaluation

In this webinar we will show step by step how to install, configure, and test TokuDB for a typical performance evaluation. We’ll also be flagging potential pitfalls that can ruin the eval results. It will describe the differences between installing from scratch and replacing an existing MySQL / MariaDB installation. It will also review the most common issues that may arise when running TokuDB binaries.

Date: December 11th
Time: 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST

Topics will include:

  • Memory allocation
  • Initial data load
  • Indexing, including clustering indexes
  • compression algorithms

We look forward to having you join the …

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532x Multikey Index Insertion Performance Increase for MongoDB with Fractal Tree Indexes

In my three previous MongoDB blogs I wrote about our implementation of Fractal Tree(R) indexes on MongoDB, showing a 10x insertion performance increase, a 268x query performance increase, and a comparison of covered indexes and clustered indexes. These benchmarks show the difference that rich and efficient indexing can make to your MongoDB workload.

Given the high performance of Fractal Tree Indexes, we’ve created a new benchmark to test our ability to handle indexing large …

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Small Data

There is obviously much being written these days about Big Data. While the term has many different meanings to many different folks, our MySQL and MariaDB customers tend to find their data to be uncomfortably big when the tables become too large for memory. In this case, more storage has to be acquired, performance starts to lag, and making changes to the schema becomes a challenge.

TokuDB addresses these issues for big MySQL instances by delivering high compression rates, faster insertion and query performance, and agile …

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