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Introduction to ADO.NET

ADO.NET is a part of .NET Framework that provides access to different types of data sources. ADO.NET supports relational, XML and application data. ADO.NET resides in a layer between data sources and client applications and enables customers to retrieve, manipulate and update data through ADO.NET object model. ADO.NET architecture ADO.NET was introduced in the 10th […]

The post Introduction to ADO.NET appeared first on Devart Blog.

Spring Cleaning: Discontinuing RHEL 6/CentOS 6 (glibc 2.12) and 32-bit Binary Builds of Percona Software

As you are probably aware, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6 or EL 6 in short) officially reached “End of Life” (EOL) on 2020-11-30 and is now in the so-called Extended Life Phase, which basically means that Red Hat will no longer provide bug fixes or security fixes.

Even though EL 6 and its compatible derivatives like CentOS 6 had reached EOL some time ago already, we continued providing binary builds for selected MySQL-related products for this platform.

However, this became increasingly difficult, as the MySQL code base continued to evolve and now depends on tools and functionality that are no longer provided by the operating system out of the box. This meant we already had to perform several modifications in order to prepare binary builds for this platform, e.g. installing custom compiler versions or newer versions of various system …

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MySQL 8.0.29: thank you for the contributions

When it’s time for a new MySQL release, it’s also time to thank our contributors !

Released on April 26th, MySQL 8.0.29 contains several contributions from our awesome Community and on behalf of the entire MySQL Team, I would like to thank you all !

This new releases contains patches from Vilnis Termanis, Luke Weber, Meik Milevczik, Song Zhibai, Zheng Lai, Øystein Grøvlen, Facebook, Biran Yue, Hope Lee, Rahul Malik, Christopher Chavez, Chen Yi, Ning PeiPei, Jianjian Song, Jack Wotherspon and Bin Wang.

Once again, thank you all for your great contributions and to the company you are working for.

Here is the list of the above contributions and related bugs:

Clients / Connectors

  • #81519 Connector/Python: Guarantee file closing of input files in optionfiles module – Vilnis Termanis
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A Quick Peek At MySQL 8.0.29

Oracle released MySQL Server 8.0.29 on April 26th and this is a quick review of the release notes.  I have put my own comments in italics.

So what is in the ’29 release of MySQL Server?  Does it come festooned with new, neat features or is it a big bug-fix bonanza?


While this server release has some interesting stuff, there is no compelling feature that will necessitate an immediate upgrade.  Read through the release notes to see if anything in there that is a must for you but for most of us, MySQL 8.0.29 does not require an immediate update.  If this was a birthday or holiday present, ’29 is the equivalent of getting a fresh box of dental floss – useful but not thrilling.

The shell is evolving too and the new version for VS Code looks promising.

MySQL Server 8.0.29 UTF8MB3?

The server now makes extensive use of UTF8MB3 (yes 3, not …

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Zero Impact on Index Creation with Amazon Aurora 3

In the last quarter of 2021, AWS released Aurora version 3. This new version aligns Aurora with the latest MySQL 8 version, porting many of the advantages MySQL 8 has over previous versions.

While this brings a lot of new interesting features for Aurora, what we are going to cover here is to see how DDLs behave when using the ONLINE option. With a quick comparison with what happens in MySQL 8 standard and with Group Replication.


All tests were run on an Aurora instance r6g.large with a secondary availability zone. The test was composed of:

        Four connections

    • #1 to perform DDL
    • #2 to perform insert data in the table I am altering
    • #3 to perform insert data on a different table 
    • #4 checking the other node operations

In the Aurora instance, a …

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Zero impact on index creation with Aurora 3

Last quarter of 2021 AWS released Aurora version 3. This new version aligns Aurora with the latest MySQL 8 version porting many of the advantages MySQL 8 has over previous versions.

While this brings a lot of new interesting features for Aurora, what we are going to cover here is to see how DDLs behave when using the ONLINE option. With a quick comparison with what happens in MySQL 8 standard and with Group Replication. 


All tests were run on an Aurora instance r6g.large with secondary availability zone.
The test was composed by:

        4 connections

    • #1 to perform ddl
    • #2 to perform insert data in the table I am altering
    • #3 to perform insert data on a different table 
    • #4 checking the other node operations

In the Aurora instance, a sysbench …

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Zero impact on index creation with Aurora 3

Last quarter of 2021 AWS released Aurora version 3. This new version aligns Aurora with the latest MySQL 8 version porting many of the advantages MySQL 8 has over previous versions.

While this brings a lot of new interesting features for Aurora, what we are going to cover here is to see how DDLs behave when using the ONLINE option. With a quick comparison with what happens in MySQL 8 standard and with Group Replication. 


All tests were run on an Aurora instance r6g.large with secondary availability zone.
The test was composed by:

        4 connections

    • #1 to perform ddl
    • #2 to perform insert data in the table I am altering
    • #3 to perform insert data on a different table 
    • #4 checking the other node operations

In the Aurora instance, a sysbench …

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pt-archiver with Auto-Increment Column – Debunking a Blame

As a best practice before dropping a large table in MySQL, pt-archiver can be used to delete all the records in batches. This helps to avoid a situation where your server may get stalled under certain circumstances.

I recently read a comment from a user saying “The pt-archiver is not working as expected! It is skipping the last record, which seems like a bug.”. Let’s examine pt-archiver’s default behavior and understand why the author of this comment believes that pt-archiver is bugged (Spoiler: It’s not!).

But wait, before continuing on busting the blame, let me clarify why to use pt-archiver before dropping large tables.

When we drop a table in MySQL:

  • Table data/index (ibd) and definition (frm) files are removed.
  • Triggers are removed.
  • Table definition cache is updated by removing the table being dropped.
  • InnoDB buffer pool is scanned for associated pages to …
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Poorman’s MySQL table audit information – part 3

Recently we saw how we can catch audit information using invisible column, JSON data type and triggers in MySQL 8.0:

Of course, the creation of these triggers can quickly become a tedious operation. Once again, MySQL has all what we need to make it simple.

As you may know, it’s impossible to create triggers from store procedure, so using a sys schema function would not be something possible. However, MySQL Shell is again the answer ! It’s very easy to use a python plugin to perform the necessary operations.

I’ve written such example, available on …

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Poorman’s MySQL table audit information – part 2

I really enjoyed to dig into the solution I described yesterday in this post, to generate table audit information using invisible columns and triggers.

In this post, I will focus only on the solution using a JSON column to store the audit information.

Yesterday, I wrote that it’s also possible to track all changes an not only the last one but also keep information about what changed.

I wanted to illustrate that with an example, let’s start with the output:

This is exactly what I was looking for !

And of course we can search in that audit information. For example let’s search for all records that have been modified and where the old or new name was/is frederic:

We can verify that indeed that record had frederic as initial value.


Compare …

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