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Displaying posts with tag: Percona Software (reset)
Getting Started with ProxySQL in Kubernetes

There are plenty of ways to run ProxySQL in Kubernetes (K8S). For example, we can deploy sidecar containers on the application pods, or run a dedicated ProxySQL service with its own pods.

We are going to discuss the latter approach, which is more likely to be used when dealing with a large number of application pods. Remember each ProxySQL instance runs a number of checks against the database backends. These checks monitor things like server-status and replication lag. Having too many proxies can cause significant overhead.

Creating a Cluster

For the purpose of this example, I am going to deploy a test cluster in GKE. We need to follow these steps:

1. Create a cluster

gcloud container clusters create ivan-cluster --preemptible --project my-project --zone us-central1-c --machine-type n2-standard-4 --num-nodes=3

2. Configure command-line access

gcloud …
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Reminder: TokuDB Storage Engine Will Be Disabled by Default in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.26

As we’ve communicated in our blog post in May, the TokuDB Storage Engine has been marked as “deprecated” in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0. It will be removed in a future version (Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28, expected to ship in Q1 2022).

With the release of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.26, the storage engine will still be included in the binary builds and packages but will be disabled by default. If you are upgrading from a previous version, the TokuDB Storage Engine plugin will fail with an error message at server startup if it is installed.

You will still be able to re-enable it manually so that you can perform the necessary migration steps.

Re-enabling the TokuDB …

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Synchronize Tables on the Same Server with pt-table-sync

It is a common use case to synchronize data in two tables inside MySQL servers. This blog post describes one specific case: how to synchronize data between two different tables on the same MySQL server. This could be useful, for example, if you test DML query performance and do not want to affect production data. After few experiments, tables get out of sync and you may need to update the test one to continue working on improving your queries. There are other use cases when you may need to synchronize the content of the two different tables on the same server, and this blog will show you how to do it.

Table Content Synchronization

The industry-standard tool for table content synchronization – pt-table-sync – is designed to synchronize data between different MySQL servers and does not support bulk synchronization between two …

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A Horizontal Scalability Mindset for MySQL

As a Technical Account Manager at Percona, I get to work with many of our largest clients. While the industry verticals vary, one main core challenge generally remains the same – what do I do with all this data? Dealing with massive data sets in MySQL isn’t a new challenge, but the best approach still isn’t trivial. Each application is obviously different, but I wanted to discuss some of the main best practices around dealing with lakes of data.

Keep MySQL Instances Small

First and foremost, the architecture needs to be designed to keep each MySQL instance relatively small. A very common question I get from teams new to working with MySQL is: “So what is the largest instance size MySQL supports?”. My answer goes back to my time in consulting: “It depends”. Can my MySQL instance support a 20TB dataset? Maybe, but it depends on the workload pattern. Should I store 20TB of data in a single MySQL instance? In most cases, …

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Repoint Replica Servers in MySQL/Percona Server for MySQL 8.0

When doing migrations or failovers in MySQL, there is usually a need to do a topology change and repoint replica servers to obtain replication data from a different server.

For example, given servers {A, B, and C} and the following topology:

If you need to repoint C to be a replica of B, i.e:

You can follow the next steps:

Note: log_replica_updates should be enabled on the soon-to-be primary as it is a prerequisite for chain replication.

Note: It is assumed that both replicas only stream from Server A and there are no conflicting replication filters in place that might break replication later on.

If Using File/Position-Based Replication:

1) Stop B and C


2) If replicas are multi-threaded, correct MTS gaps and make them …
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Introducing xbcloud: Exponential Backoff Feature in Percona XtraBackup

Storing your data locally can impose security and availability risks. Major cloud providers have object storage services available to allow you to upload and distribute data across different regions using various retention and restore policies.

Percona XtraBackup delivers the xbcloud binary – an auxiliary tool to allow users to upload backups to different cloud providers directly.

Today we are glad to announce the introduction of the Exponential Backoff feature to xbcloud.

In short, this new feature will allow your backup upload/download to work better with unstable network connections by retrying each chunk and adding an exponential wait time in between retries, increasing the chances of completion in case of an unstable connection or network glitch.

This new functionality is available on today’s release of Percona …

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Congratulating Marcelo Altmann on his Promotion to Oracle ACE!

We’re excited to share that Marcelo Altmann from the Percona Server Engineering Team has just been promoted from Oracle ACE Associate to Oracle ACE.


The Oracle ACE Program recognizes and rewards community members for their technical contributions to the Oracle community.

Marcelo initially joined Percona as a senior support engineer in our global services organization, where he helped customers with running their MySQL-based environments. In early 2020, he joined our Server Engineering team and has been actively involved in the development of Percona Server for MySQL and Percona …

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How To Recover Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 Node Without SST

The Problem

State Snapshot Transfer can be a very long and expensive process, depending on the size of your Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)/Galera cluster, as well as network and disk bandwidth. There are situations where it is needed though, like after long enough node separation, where the gcache on other members was too small to keep all the needed transactions.

Let’s see how we can avoid SST, yet recover fast and without even the need for doing a full backup from another node.

Below, I will present a simple scenario, where one of the cluster nodes was having a broken network for long enough that it will make …

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Inspecting MySQL Servers Part 5: Percona Monitoring and Management

In the previous posts of this series, I presented how the Percona Support team approaches the analysis and troubleshooting of a MySQL server using a tried-and-tested method supported by specific tools found in the Percona Toolkit:

Inspecting MySQL Servers Part 1: The Percona Support Way

Inspecting MySQL Servers Part 2: Knowing the Server

Inspecting MySQL Servers Part 3: What MySQL?

Inspecting MySQL Servers Part 4: An Engine in …

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Installing Percona Server for MySQL on Rocky Linux 8

With the CentOS project switching its focus to CentOS Stream, one of the alternatives that aim to function as a downstream build (building and releasing packages after they’re released by Red Hat) is Rocky Linux. This how-to shows how to install Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 on the Rocky Linux distribution.

You can get the information on the distribution release version by checking the /etc/redhat-release file:

[root@rocky ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.4 (Green Obsidian)

Installing and Setting up the Percona Server for MySQL 8.0  Repository

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