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Displaying posts with tag: performance_schema (reset)
A Visual Guide to the MySQL Performance Schema

If you haven’t explored the MySQL Performance Schema yet, this is a good place to start.  This is Performance Schema 101, a basic introduction to the MySQL 5.6 performance_schema, which records runtime statistics from the MySQL database. The performance_schema is intended to provide access to useful information about server execution while having minimal impact on server performance.  Performance_schema is the name of both the storage engine and the database itself, and it was initially implemented  in MySQL 5.5. In MySQL 5.6 the engineers added quite a bit of new instrumentation.

The performance_schema database uses views or temporary tables that actually use little to no persistent disk storage .Memory allocation is all done at server startup, so there is no ongoing memory reallocation or sizing, which is great for performance.

I categorize the performance_schema …

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MyISAM in a MySQL 5.6 InnoDB Only instance

With MySQL 5.5 the default storage engine was changed to InnoDB. This was a good step as most users expected MySQL to support transactions, row level locking and all the other InnoDB features, but with 5.1 they sometimes forgot to choose the right storage engine. As most databases don't have multiple storage engines and many MySQL users changed the default storage engine to InnoDB this made the switch to MySQL easier and the default behaviour more in line with what people expect from a relational database.

Changing the storage engine can of course be done on a per table or per instance basis (default-storage-engine in my.cnf). The temporary tables created with 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ...' should not be forgotten. The performance of InnoDB or MyISAM for temporary tables can have quite some impact, especially with slow storage, a buffer pool which is too small to hold the complete dataset or very small temporary tables. In MySQL 5.6 …

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MySQL 5.6 Performance Schema is GA

The PERFORMANCE SCHEMA was first introduced in MySQL 5.5, and provided some instrumentation.

With MySQL 5.6, the existing instrumentation has been improved a lot, and a lot of new instrumentation was added also.

Now is a good time to review the overall picture ...

The performance schema tables
In 5.5, the tables available are:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_performance_schema                 |
| cond_instances                               |
| events_waits_current                         |
| events_waits_history                         |
| events_waits_history_long                    |
| events_waits_summary_by_instance             |
| events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name |
| events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name    |
| file_instances                               |
| …
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On MySQL Memory Usage and Configuration

I saw a post on profiling memory usage today and this reminds me of several discussions I have had with different people.

Why would you want to profile the memory usage? Usually to see where memory is allocated and for what purposes, and usually you only care when memory usage is higher than expected. That is a DBA normally wants to use all available memory on a server for mysqld, whatever that size may be.

Configuration parameters may be inappropriate and need adjusting, so having a way to determine the range of memory usage based on those parameters would be most helpful.  However, the configuration parameters as a whole put no limit on memory used, so different workloads can quite easily lead to memory being insufficient on the OS, triggering swapping or perhaps the …

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MySQL 5.6, GTID and performance_schema

Not much to add really to the bug I’ve filed here: bug#67159.

Again this GTID stuff looks good, but seems to prevent changes in the configuration of performance_schema, which I think is not appropriate, especially as P_S now has lots of extra goodies and after 5.6 will surely have even more.

Fiddle with the Performance Schema

I recently found an interesting tool to play with databases, SQLFiddle.

The tool is used to share some fragments of code, running on a live database, to allow users to not only see (read) the code, but also actually execute it, to play with the code.

See this link for all the details.

The nice part is that MySQL 5.5 is part of the supported databases, try it here.

It gets better: MySQL 5.6 is also there, so you get to try new 5.6 features, or your favorite query, in a blink, without having to do an installation.

And icing on the 5.6 cake, the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA is also enabled, with grants given to the user to query performance schema tables. …

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Fun with Performance Schema

I'm using a very small MariaDB instance as a datastore for my YouLess energy monitor, my own mail server (postfix, roundcube). It's a virtual machine from a commercial VPS provider.

All data fits in memory and the overhead of running with performance_schema on is not an issue.

While I was reading a blog post about performance_schema by Mark Leith I wanted to see what P_S could tell me about my own server.

This is the output from the first query:

mysql> select * from file_summary_by_event_name order by count_read desc,count_write desc limit 10;
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A MySQL Replication Load Average with Performance Schema

Monitoring MySQL’s replication has always been a bit hit and miss, especially when trying to detect whether a slave is becoming overloaded or not. There’s been a few ways to do this in the past:

  • Monitor the Seconds_behind_master variable from SHOW SLAVE STATUS, which is the difference between the timestamp passed down from the master that the event was executed, to the time that the SQL thread started executing the event.
  • Use something like mk-heartbeat, which operates in the same way as Seconds_Behind_Master (trying to show you the actual time difference between the master and slave), and is a little more robust in complex replication chains, and other situations where Seconds_Behind_Master falls down (such as when the IO thread is lagging).
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Monitoring Processes with Performance Schema in MySQL 5.6

I’ve written before about how you can monitor the last wait per connection with Performance Schema in MySQL 5.5.

That solution joined the performance_schema.events_waits_current with the performance_schema.threads and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST tables.

Joining to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST is a necessary evil within MySQL 5.5, to be able to get the user and host information etc. – however it is certainly not optimal, because using …

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Helper Functions for ps_helper

I love our community.

Not long after posting my update on ps_helper, I had a couple of comments around the formatting of values within the output. Daniël van Eeden gave the suggestion that I could add a couple of Stored Functions, for formatting byte and time based values.

Of course, this was a great idea – not least for myself, because I no longer have to worry about how to format certain columns in the output.

I’ve added the following:


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