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Displaying posts with tag: mysql performance_schema (reset)
A Visual Guide to the MySQL Performance Schema

If you haven’t explored the MySQL Performance Schema yet, this is a good place to start.  This is Performance Schema 101, a basic introduction to the MySQL 5.6 performance_schema, which records runtime statistics from the MySQL database. The performance_schema is intended to provide access to useful information about server execution while having minimal impact on server performance.  Performance_schema is the name of both the storage engine and the database itself, and it was initially implemented  in MySQL 5.5. In MySQL 5.6 the engineers added quite a bit of new instrumentation.

The performance_schema database uses views or temporary tables that actually use little to no persistent disk storage .Memory allocation is all done at server startup, so there is no ongoing memory reallocation or sizing, which is great for performance.

I categorize the performance_schema …

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