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Displaying posts with tag: connection pool (reset)
Connection pooling in Vitess

Note: The content was originally published at PlanetScale Connection pooling is a commonly used technique in modern applications to manage database connections efficiently. It involves creating a cache of database connections that the application can use as needed. Instead of creating a new connection for each request to the database, the application retrieves a connection from the pool. After the application finishes using the connection, it is returned to the pool to be reused later, rather than being closed outright.

MySQL Challenge: 100k Connections

In this post, I want to explore a way to establish 100,000 connections to MySQL. Not just idle connections, but executing queries.

100,000 connections. Is that really needed for MySQL, you may ask? Although it may seem excessive, I have seen a lot of different setups in customer deployments. Some deploy an application connection pool, with 100 application servers and 1,000 connections in each pool. Some applications use a “re-connect and repeat if the query is too slow” technique, which is a terrible practice. It can lead to a snowball effect, and could establish thousands of connections to MySQL in a matter of seconds.

So now I want to set an overachieving goal and see if we can achieve it.


For this I will use the following hardware:

Bare metal server provided by, instance size: c2.medium.x86
Physical Cores @ 2.2 GHz
(1 X AMD EPYC 7401P)
Memory: 64 GB of …

[Read more]
MySQL Thread Pool vs. Connection Pool

Given that thread and connections in the MySQL Server
have been so intertwined, it is easy to confuse the
purpose of the MySQL Thread Pool and the purpose of
a Connection Pool.

The aim of a Connection Pool is that the MySQL
clients should not be forced to constantly do connect and
disconnect. Thus it is possible to cache a connection in
the MySQL client when a user of the connection no longer
needs it. Thus another user that needs a connection to the
same MySQL Server can reuse this cached connection later on.

This saves execution time in both the client and the server.
It does however not change the dynamics of how many queries
are executed in parallel in the MySQL Server. This means that
the likelihood of too many concurrent queries to execute in
the MySQL Server is the same with or without a Connection

Also a …

[Read more] – MySQL (basic) connection pool support added

In this latest release I’ve added a basic MySQL connection pool to the benchmarking script which improves the method in which connections to MySQL are handled and reused. In addition, there have been some optimizations made to the thread handler functions for better debug reporting. Download the latest release now and see how your MySQL server performs against the rest of the community! Download here: download page.

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