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Displaying posts with tag: mk-table-sync (reset)
Video: Building a MySQL Slave and Keeping it in Sync

Last night at the Boston MySQL User Group I presented on how to get a consistent snapshot to build a slave, how to use mk-table-checksum to check for differences between masters and slaves on an ongoing basis, and how to use tools such as mk-table-sync and mysqldump to sync the data if there are any discrepancies.

The slides are online at

The video can be watched on youtube at or directly in your browser with the embedded player below:

mk-table-sync and small tables

Issue 634 made me wonder how the various mk-table-sync algorithms (Chunk, Nibble, GroupBy and Stream) perform when faced with a small number of rows. So I ran some quick, basic benchmarks.

I used three tables, each with integer primary keys, having 109, 600 and 16k+ rows. I did two runs for each of the four algorithms: the first run used an empty destination table so all rows from the source had to be synced; the second run used an already synced destination table so all rows had to be checked but none were synced. I ran Perl with DProf to get simple wallclock and user time measurements.

Here are the results for the first run:

When the table is really small (109 rows), …

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