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Displaying posts with tag: virtual (reset)
Connection Pool Problems for MySQL/GlassFish/OpenSolaris

Hi all,

Last night I spent some time setting up a connection pool in GlassFish's admin console. Here's the backstory: I'm working on a training course for cloud computing, and as part of my module on assembling a virtual data center I ran into a few problems. I have two virtual servers running. One is running OpenSolaris and has GlassFish application server installed on it. The other is running Fedora Linux and has my MySQL database on it. The problems occurred when I tried to ping the database server from GlassFish. I got some strange messages. When a colleague of mine googled the problem, he found out that the problem was OpenSolaris specific. After downloading several .jar files the error message said weren't there, I stumbled upon the solution:

  1. The solution was to copy my regular MySQL driver .jar file from my local machine to the glassfish-install/domains/domain1/lib/ext/ directory on my virtual …
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Connection Pool Problems for MySQL/GlassFish/OpenSolaris

Hi all,

Last night I spent some time setting up a connection pool in GlassFish's admin console. Here's the backstory: I'm working on a training course for cloud computing, and as part of my module on assembling a virtual data center I ran into a few problems. I have two virtual servers running. One is running OpenSolaris and has GlassFish application server installed on it. The other is running Fedora Linux and has my MySQL database on it. The problems occurred when I tried to ping the database server from GlassFish. I got some strange messages. When a colleague of mine googled the problem, he found out that the problem was OpenSolaris specific. After downloading several .jar files the error message said weren't there, I stumbled upon the solution:

  1. The solution was to copy my regular MySQL driver .jar file from my local machine to the glassfish-install/domains/domain1/lib/ext/ directory on my virtual …
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AWS Experience Part 6: Creating a Custom AMI

Hi all,

Here is another installment on working in the cloud, the AWS cloud that is. Today's topic: creating a custom AMI. This may sound like as easy task. And it would have been, had AWS documentation been up to scratch. I spent lots of time messing around with this, and I finally got it to work. Here's how:

  1. Launch an exiting image (I chose a Fedora 8 image). Modify the /var/www/html/index.html file to something else (thus making it "your unique AMI). I went one step further: I installed JDK 6 and MySQL on mi AMI for use at a later date.
  2. Now you have to upload your private key and x509 certificate to the AMI. Here's how to do this in the terminal:
        scp -i ~/.ssh/<yourkeypair.pem> ~/.ec2/<pk-whatever.pem> ~/.ec2/<cert-whatever.pem> root@your-public-DNS:/mnt.
    The private key and x-509 certificate should be uploaded to the mnt directory to prevent them from being …
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AWS Experience Part 6: Creating a Custom AMI

Hi all,

Here is another installment on working in the cloud, the AWS cloud that is. Today's topic: creating a custom AMI. This may sound like as easy task. And it would have been, had AWS documentation been up to scratch. I spent lots of time messing around with this, and I finally got it to work. Here's how:

  1. Launch an exiting image (I chose a Fedora 8 image). Modify the /var/www/html/index.html file to something else (thus making it "your unique AMI). I went one step further: I installed JDK 6 and MySQL on mi AMI for use at a later date.
  2. Now you have to upload your private key and x509 certificate to the AMI. Here's how to do this in the terminal:
        scp -i ~/.ssh/<yourkeypair.pem> ~/.ec2/<pk-whatever.pem> ~/.ec2/<cert-whatever.pem> root@your-public-DNS:/mnt.
    The private key and x-509 certificate should be uploaded to the mnt directory to prevent them from being …
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Sun talks out Cloud: Open Cloud Platform

Sun's Open Cloud Vision unveilled: Open Cloud Platform, an open infrastructure powered by Java, MySQL, OpenSolaris, and Open Storage software technologies.  Open APIs, Open formats and Open source.

On March 18th, at CommunityONE aka CloudONE, Sun unveiled the open cloud platform for powering public and private clouds. We also  announced that we are building our own Public Cloud. This will include a Storage and Compute Cloud. Our Cloud will be compatible with Amazon S3 and EC2 at the API level. Meaning, we will provide S3 and EC2 compatibility APIs in addition to our own, hence enabling an easy migration from Amazon services to Sun Cloud. All clouds - public, private or hybrid, built on Sun's Open Cloud platform will be interoperable and there will be minimal vendor lockin given the cloud platform will be built on open …

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Sun talks out Cloud: Open Cloud Platform

Sun's Open Cloud Vision unveilled: Open Cloud Platform, an open infrastructure powered by Java, MySQL, OpenSolaris, and Open Storage software technologies.  Open APIs, Open formats and Open source.

On March 18th, at CommunityONE aka CloudONE, Sun unveiled the open cloud platform for powering public and private clouds. We also  announced that we are building our own Public Cloud. This will include a Storage and Compute Cloud. Our Cloud will be compatible with Amazon S3 and EC2 at the API level. Meaning, we will provide S3 and EC2 compatibility APIs in addition to our own, hence enabling an easy migration from Amazon services to Sun Cloud. All clouds - public, private or hybrid, built on Sun's Open Cloud platform will be interoperable and there will be minimal vendor lockin given the cloud platform will be built on open …

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Sun talks out Cloud: Open Cloud Platform

Sun's Open Cloud Vision unveilled: Open Cloud Platform, an open infrastructure powered by Java, MySQL, OpenSolaris, and Open Storage software technologies.  Open APIs, Open formats and Open source.

On March 18th, at CommunityONE aka CloudONE, Sun unveiled the open cloud platform for powering public and private clouds. We also  announced that we are building our own Public Cloud. This will include a Storage and Compute Cloud. Our Cloud will be compatible with Amazon S3 and EC2 at the API level. Meaning, we will provide S3 and EC2 compatibility APIs in addition to our own, hence enabling an easy migration from Amazon services to Sun Cloud. All clouds - public, private or hybrid, built on Sun's Open Cloud platform will be interoperable and there will be minimal vendor lockin given the cloud platform will be built on open …

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XenServer 5 with OpenBSD

Here is my experience trying to run OpenBSD with XenServer 5 Enterprise.

  • XenServer console doesn’t function properly as it keeps overlaying text displayed previously or anything you have typed into the console. Makes it very difficult to read and see what you are doing. As well it appears numerpad with numlock on does not work either. The best work around is to SSH into OpenBSD.
  • Receiving the following error messages at boot up, “clock: unknown CMOS layout” and “rl0: watchdog timeout”. Yes the NIC is being detected as a Realteak 8139. If I check /var/run/dmesg.boot out of the two error messages I only see the “clock: unknown CMOS layout”. So I would assume the watchdog timeout message occurs after initial boot sequence.
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Virtualizing MySQL

I had so much to say in response to a recent post asking about virtualization from Jennifer Glore that I realized it was long enough to be a blog post.

It really depends on what you’re looking to do. Many companies don’t have the money and staff to have an in-house data center with proper power and network redundancy; others don’t want the depreciation associated with owning computer hardware (even if they leased space in a data center, they’d have to buy equipment to put in it).

Some reasons to virtualize:
1) you need a fresh machine and cannot wait to order a new one or re-purpose an older one.
2) your need for machines/services fluctuates (and again, re-purposing takes time). This need can be as broad as employee desktops or as …

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Showing entries 1 to 9