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Displaying posts with tag: parallel processing (reset)
MySQL replication in action - Part 5 - parallel appliers

Previous episodes:

MySQL replication in action - Part 1: GTID & CoMySQL replication in action - Part 2 - Fan-in topologyMySQL replication in action - Part 3 - All-masters P2P topologyMySQL replication in action - Part 4 - star and hybrid topologies
Parallel replication overviewOne …

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Database Sharding at Netlog, with MySQL and PHP

This article accompanies the slides from a presentation on database sharding. Sharding is a technique used for horizontal scaling of databases we are using at Netlog. If you’re interested in high performance, scalability, MySQL, php, caching, partitioning, Sphinx, federation or Netlog, read on …

This presentation was given at the second day of FOSDEM 2009 in Brussels. FOSDEM is an annual conference on open source software with about 5000 hackers. I was invited by Kris Buytaert and Lenz Grimmer to give a talk in the MySQL Dev Room. The talk was based …

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