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Displaying posts with tag: read only (reset)
Instrumenting Read Only Transactions in InnoDB

Probably not well known but quite an important optimization was introduced in MySQL 5.6 – reduced overhead for “read only transactions”. While usually by a “transaction” we mean a query or a group of queries that change data, with transaction engines like InnoDB, every data read or write operation is a transaction.

Now, as a non-locking read operation obviously has less impact on the data, it does not need all the instrumenting overhead a write transaction has. The main thing that can be avoided, as described by documentation, is the transaction ID. So, since MySQL 5.6, a read only transaction does not have a transaction ID. Moreover, such a transaction is not visible in the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output, though I will not go deeper on what really that means under the hood in this article. The fact is that this optimization …

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Better high availability: MySQL and Percona XtraDB Cluster with good application design

High Availability

Have you ever wondered if your application should be able to work in read-only mode? How important is that question?

MySQL seems to be the most popular database solution for web-based products. Most typical Internet application workloads consist of many reads, with usually few writes. There are exceptions of course – MMO games for instance – but often the number of reads is much bigger then writes. So when your database infrastructure looses its ability to accept writes, either because traditional MySQL replication topology lost its master or Galera cluster lost its quorum, why would you want to the application to declare total …

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Better scaling of read-only workloads

The problem and its cause

There have been several complaints over the years about InnoDB’s inability to scale beyond 256 connections. One of the main issues behind this scalability bottleneck was the read view creation that is required for MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control) to work. When the user starts a transaction this is what InnoDB does under the hood:

  • Create or reuse a transaction instance – usually it is reused, the transactions are reused from a pool (trx_sys_t::mysql_trx_list).
  • Initialize the transaction start time and assign a rollback segment
  • Append the transaction to an active  transaction list ordered on trx_t::id in descending order

The append to  the trx_sys_t::trx_list and corresponding remove during commit is covered by trx_sys_t::mutex. After the transaction is “started” and if the transaction has an isolation greater …

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