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Displaying posts with tag: 4.1 (reset)
Optimistic Incremental Backup

MySQL Enterprise Backup Team is pleased to announce major improvements in incremental backup performance starting with release 4.1.


The current incremental backup algorithm scans all the tables to gather changed pages even if very few tables are modified since the previous backup and thus results in a 'full-scan' incremental backup. This may result in increment backups requiring the same amount of time as full backup because it scans all the tables. The new algorithm aims to eliminate this extra time.

The new algorithm scans only those tables that have been modified since the previous backup. This algorithm relies on modification time, which is similar to an earlier improvement made for full backup. That full backup algorithm is known as optimistic full backup, hence new improvement is named …

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Tungsten Replicator moved to GitHub with Apache license

It had been in the making for long time. Google announced that Google Code would be closing, and since then the Continuent team has been hard at work to handle the transition. You can guess it: this operation would have been quicker if it had been done by a small company like we were one year ago, but being part of a large corporation introduces some constraints that have affected our schedule.

However, our wish has always been, and still is, to keep Tungsten Replicator as an open source product, with full functionalities and with the full benefits that the open source development model offers.

Today, Tungsten Replicator is available on GitHub as …

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