Good news !
FOSDEM accepted our devroom for the next edition.
The MySQL devroom will take place on Saturday, January 30th 2016.
Stay tuned for the Call For Paper !!
Good news !
FOSDEM accepted our devroom for the next edition.
The MySQL devroom will take place on Saturday, January 30th 2016.
Stay tuned for the Call For Paper !!
In MySQL Character encoding – part 1 we stated that the myriad of ways in which character encoding can be controlled can lead to many situations where your data may not be available as expected.
UTF8 was designed on a placemat in a New Jersey diner one night in September or so 1992.
Setting MySQL Client and Server Character encoding.
Lets restart MySQL with the correct setting for our purpose, UTF8. Here we can see the setting in the MySQL configuration file, in this case /etc/mysql/my.cnf.
character-set-server = utf8
This change is then reflected in the session and global variables once the instance is restarted with the new configuration parameter.
mysql> SELECT …[Read more]
Breaking and unbreaking your data
Recently at FOSDEM, Maciej presented “Breaking and unbreaking your data”, a presentation about the potential problems you can incur regarding character encoding whilst working with MySQL. In short, there are a myriad of places where character encoding can be controlled, which gives ample opportunity for the system to break and for text to become unrecoverable.
The slides from the presentation are available on slideshare.
Character Encoding – MySQL DevRoom – FOSDEM 2015 from …
[Read more]
Last weekend I got to present to the MySQL Developers Room at
FOSDEM in Brussels.
The subject of my presentation was NoSQL and SQL the best
of both worlds…
There’s a lot of excitement around NoSQL Data Stores with the promise of simple access patterns, flexible schemas, scalability and High Availability. The downside comes in the form of losing ACID transactions, consistency, flexible queries and data integrity checks. What if you could have the best of both worlds? This session shows how MySQL Cluster provides simultaneous SQL and native NoSQL access to your data – whether a simple key-value API (Memcached), REST, JavaScript, Java or C++. You will hear how the MySQL Cluster architecture delivers in-memory real-time performance, 99.999% availability, on-line maintenance and linear, horizontal scalability …
[Read more]Dear MySQL Friends,
Unfortunately, this year we won’t have the pleasure to attend Raghu’s show. Indeed, he couldn’t apply in time for his Visa.
I would like to thank Andrew Morgan to have accepted to present his talk “MySQL & NoSQL – best of both worlds” to replace “ENOMEM: Will databases ever stop asking for more memory” from Raghu.
Respecting the logic, the next talk should have been
“Introduction to MySQL Binlog Events” from Neha Kumari, but once
again it was too late for Visa appliance.
Logically, Andrew was the next one and he agrred to present his
talk even if the notification was very short.
The final schedule is:
Event | Speakers | Start | End |
Sunday | |||
… |
My dear colleagues, Liz van Dijk, Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Kenny Gryp, also known as the “Party Team” are organizing the “Fosdem MySQL & Friends Devroom Community Dinner” !
Like last year, we’ll be renting a private space to allow for easy socializing. However, in light of this year’s 20th Anniversary of MySQL in May, as well as MariaDB’s 5th Anniversary in February, we want to take things to the next level, and give the night a true community feel. Our new location is available to us until 2AM, and is part of the ICAB buildings, closer to the ULB (more detailed directions on the eventbrite page).
As such, prepare for an evening of food prepared for the Community, by the Community. That’s right, your hosts will be firing up the pizza …
[Read more]The devroom’s schedule is now published on Fosdem’s website.
As you can see, it will be a heavy day full of good content. You can also notice that there won’t be any lunch-time break.
We advise you to then bring your lunch (like a sandwich) with you in the room and eat it between talks or prepare in advance when you will take your break during a talk you don’t want to attend (is it even possible ?).
Event | Speakers | Start | End |
Sunday | |||
Welcome to MySQL & Friends Devroom | … |
As usual, you can find the slides from PLUK 2013 and FOSDEM 2014
on [Plus].
You have just to access to the slides
page and free up some time to discover and read all the
referenced content.
Remember the programs of these fantastic events :
Now, I’ve just discovered that many slides are missing for PLUK 2013 on the perconalive website.
For latecomers, it’s still time to upload your slides from your
dedicated speaker page.
Please, do it quickly, the …
After my presentation at FOSDEM I got a few questions regarding our Galera implementation and why we did things the way we want. First of all, the slides: Spil Games @ FOSDEM: Galera Replicator IRL from spil-engineering Second of all, the questions I got: Q: Why first copy all the data to a new MySQL […]
The post Follow up on FOSDEM appeared first on Spil Games Engineering.