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Displaying posts with tag: FOSDEM (reset)
The FOSDEM schedule in SQL

I thought it would be nice to be able to query the FOSDEM schedule for the MySQL devroom with SQL.

So I wrote a small Python script which downloads the schedule and inserts it into a MySQL database.

Some examples:

mysql> SELECT summary,dtstart,location,description FROM calendar 
-> WHERE calname='MySQL devroom'
-> AND MATCH (summary, description) AGAINST ('Fabric')\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
summary: Sharding and Scale-out using MySQL Fabric
dtstart: 2014-02-01 16:05:00
location: UA2.114 (Baudoux)
description: MySQL Fabric is an open-source solution released by the MySQL Engineering team
at Oracle. It makes management of MySQL server farms easy and available for both applications 
with small and large number of servers.
1 row …
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FOSDEM 2014 MySQL Devroom, Community Dinner in Brussels this Saturday!

This weekend, on 1-2 February, FOSDEM 2014 will take place in Brussels, Belgium.
There will be MySQL talks on Saturday in the MySQL Devroom and a MySQL Community dinner afterward.

30 people have already signed up for the community dinner, we’re almost at the amount of people from last year.

Last orders for the MySQL Community dinner will be accepted on Wednesday 29 January, so if you plan to attend, make sure to buy your tickets now. After that day, we won’t be able to add more people to the list.

I also wanted to thank the sponsors. Without them, this community dinner would not have been made …

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FOSDEM 2014 MySQL & Friends devroom

FOSDEM is a free, yearly event that offers open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It takes place in Brussels, Belgium each February.

10 years ago now, the first MySQL devroom was organized there by David Axmark, marking the first time MySQL users got their own space to come together and discuss at the event. On this anniversary edition, Percona consultants will be present at the MySQL & Friends Community Booth, as well as giving talks in the devroom (full schedule):

* Frédéric Descamps at 12.35 with …

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FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom – signup for dinner

FOSDEM happens this year, February 1&2 2014. This year is a special year as it is the 10th anniversary: great content in the schedule, you must pre-register for dinner (lot’s of wonderful Belgian food & drink), and we have a shared booth in the expo hall.

Read more about the event with a wonderful post by Kenny. Again, much thanks to Liz, dim0, Kenny, Frederic for organising the venue, and the sponsors Oracle/SkySQL/Percona.

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FOSDEM 2014: MySQL And Friends Community Dinner

FOSDEM is coming to town again here in Brussels this February 1-2, and as usual, there is a MySQL Devroom. Traditionally, a MySQL and Friends community dinner is also held during the event and this year is no different – we’ve organized one for Saturday, February 1 from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. (CET).

If you want to sign up for the dinner, go to

This year’s edition is going to be slightly different…

We have rented a private cafeteria at a company called Mundo-B, where catering will be served by …

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MySQL & Friends – FOSDEM 2014 CfP last chance!

Heads up that Friday (6th December) is your last chance to submit a 30 minute session proposal for next year’s MySQL & Friends Devroom at FOSDEM. I presented last year and I was really impressed by the number of attendees, the organisation and the positive reception (I’ll be there again next year – hopefully presenting). If you’ve got a MySQL-related topic that you’d like to present to an enthusiastic open-source community then this is a agreat opportunity.

Submit your proposal(s) for a 30 minute session here.

FOSDEM 2014 is free event running in Brussels over the weekend of 1st & 2nd February, with the MySQL content aimed for the Saturday. This is a huge event (5,000+) and has a great, …

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FOSDEM MySQL & Friends Devroom

As Frederic posted, its time to submit talks for the MySQL & Friends Devroom at FOSDEM 2014. The next year, it will be on Saturday February 1 2014. I look forward to being in Brussels again, and I hope to see you there too.

Submit to the MySQL track here, and don’t forget to be there on Friday evening for the start of the beers. I’m told by Frederic & Kenny that we’re likely to have a much more interesting community dinner since things are getting larger year by year. See you at FOSDEM and remember, submit talks!

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FOSDEM 2014 – MySQL & Friends Devroom

As every year in February, in Brussels, the FOSDEM will take place!
And as every year, the MySQL Community will also be present! For the 3rd year in a row, I have the honour of organising the MySQL & Friends Devroom.

Let’s start with the most important information: FOSDEM 2014 will be held February 1 and 2.
This year instead of Sunday, the MySQL & Friends Devroom will be on Saturday from 9 a.m. and will finish with
the Community Dinner (more information related to the dinner will come later).

The “Call for Papers” has been announced on the MySQL mailing list, you can still read it here.
CfP is open until December 6th!

This year the …

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Slides from past conferences

Here are my slides from past conferences. They were generated from Org Mode and Beamer. You can read more about it here.

You can get more info on the talks on their respective pages(linked).

Talk at FOSDEM 2013:

Feed me more: MySQL Memory analysed from Raghavendra Prabhu Talk at PLMCE 2013:

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FOSDEM 2013 Slides are available on [Plus]

I was at FOSDEM for the first time this year and it was very exciting.
I was very glad to see Percona, MariaDB and Oracle together.
If you’ve never been at FOSDEM, I recommend you to join us next year, this is truly a magical event!

You can find some of the slides on [Plus], enjoy! :

If you would like to add your slides, post a comment with the link.
And remember to visit this page for more slides about MySQL :

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