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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Italian Wisdom awaits Marten Mickos

Marten Mickos, former MySQL CEO, now Senior SVP with Sun Microsystems, is expected in Rome, at the local University, called "La Sapienza" (= Wisdom or Knowledge). The event, on May 30, is a mix of private and public occurrences. Marten will meet local customers and Sun officials, before speaking in front of an audience at the University.

More information at the other speakers' blogs. Ivan Zoratti and Giuseppe …

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Sun & MySQL at Linuxtag 2008 Berlin (2008-05-28/2008-05-31)

From May 28th-31st, the annual LinuxTag will take place in Berlin, Germany. I followed the growth and evolution of LinuxTag from the very early days and I have fond memories of the event back when it still took place at the University of Kaiserslautern and our SuSE "booth" was just a regular table taken from the lecture rooms...

Things have evolved a lot since then. Today, LinuxTag is one of the largest Linux/Open Source Events in Europe and my new employer Sun is a major sponsor this year. In addition to several talks and keynotes, there will be a large Sun booth in the exhibition area (Booth #205) and we will have a dedicated MySQL demo pod! Some of the things we plan to demo there are the upcoming MySQL Server releases (5.1, …

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Speaking at the Italian Free Software Conference

I am speaking at the Italian Free Software Conference, an event with the aim of considering the state of the art of Free Software in Italy.

The conference is held in Trento, Italy, sponsored by public institutions, the local university, and private industries.
My session is about MySQL as open database, which is a philosophical walkthrough of how MySQL has become successful, why Sun has bought it, what is in store for the future.

Slides from Creative Programming talk

Thanks to all the attendees to the session on creative programming with MySQL at CommunityOne.
As announced, the slides are online.
3.5M (PDF)

Hello from San Francisco!

Just two weeks after having returned from the MySQL Conference, I just arrived safely in San Francisco again. This time to attend the CommunityOne on Monday and the JavaOne conference from Tuesday till Friday, which should keep me occupied for the rest of the week. I look forward to meeting my fellow MySQL team members (Colin, Giuseppe and Jay will be here, too), as well as many new colleagues from Sun! Shoot me an email, if you would like to meet.

2008 MySQL Conference Videos, Notes, Slides and Photos!

All of the videos from the 2008 MySQL Conference have been processed and uploaded. Links to the videos, slides, notes, photos for each presentation are all on the mega-conference page at:

This represents many hours of my own toil, but it also reflects plenty of people who have blogged, edited the wiki pages and speakers who wrote and gave tutorials and presentations. I am proud of everyone’s efforts to offer so many learning resources for free….

Enjoy! EDIT: I forgot to thank Jay, the folks at O’Reilly and all the speakers for giving me explicit permission to video and freely offer their presentations.

If you know of any video, audio, notes, slides, photos, etc that are not linked, please link them at the wiki page. If you can’t or won’t, please comment here and I will update the wiki …

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Pictures of the Light painting session by Julian Cash during the MySQL Conference

KAs during last year's MySQL Conference, we invited Julian Cash to take pictures of some attendees. I managed to get my picture taken in last second - the hotel staff was already complaining that they need to redecorate the room for the next event...

The results of this foto session are now on Julian's photo stream on Flickr - I am really impressed by the results! This puts a whole new meaning to the term "MySQL Luminaries"

Kaj's pictures are pretty funny, too - is this an interpretation of "MySQL Community" vs. "MySQL Enterprise"?

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LVM Backup slides published

JFYI, I now placed a PDF of my MySQL Conference talk slides about "Performing MySQL backups using Linux LVM Snapshots" on my MySQL talks page. Enjoy!


The 2008 MySQL Users' Conference - an Engineer's Perspective

This past week was the annual MySQL Users’ Conference. It was my fourth time attending the conference, my second as a MySQL-er, and my first as a Sun employee.

The conference was very well attended with many more people than last year. Overall, I’d say it was a great success.

I work on the Backup project for MySQL and I must say it was a very strange experience being in the spotlight of so much controversy concerning the announcement made about making some backup features enterprise only releases.

While there was a lot of blogging expressing the general distaste for the suggestion of making some features of backup enterprise only (as opposed to free), most of these comments seemed to come from a relatively small number of people.

I presented the Backup session and led the Birds of a Feather session on Backup. I must say that the sentiments of the bloggers was not represented in the audience of these sessions. I …

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The 2008 MySQL Users' Conference - an Engineer's Perspective

This past week was the annual MySQL Users’ Conference. It was my fourth time attending the conference, my second as a MySQL-er, and my first as a Sun employee.

The conference was very well attended with many more people than last year. Overall, I’d say it was a great success.

I work on the Backup project for MySQL and I must say it was a very strange experience being in the spotlight of so much controversy concerning the announcement made about making some backup features enterprise only releases.

While there was a lot of blogging expressing the general distaste for the suggestion of making some features of backup enterprise only (as opposed to free), most of these comments seemed to come from a relatively small number of people.

I presented the Backup session and led the Birds of a Feather session on Backup. I must say that the sentiments of the bloggers was not represented in the audience of these sessions. I …

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