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Displaying posts with tag: multi-master (reset)
Tungsten Replicator cookbook. Advanced replication topologies made easy

I have been asked many times to provide an easy way of deploying fan-in and star schema replication schemas. So far, I have been delayed by more pressing duties.

Now the time has come. Since we are about to release a new version of Tungsten Replicator, I made the effort of putting together the steps for an easy deployment.


The package (with downloads and svn code available at Tungsten-Replicator Toolbox) includes some juicy goodies. There are recipes to install.

  • Master/slave, the classic replication topology. Nothing fancy, but with the tools mentioned in the next section, it becomes as valuable as the other topologies.
  • All-masters. This is the Tungsten no-SPOF topology. Every node is a master, and every node has a …
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Multi-Master, Multi-Site MySQL Databases Made Easy with Continuent Tungsten

Cross-site databases are the next challenge facing today's MySQL-based businesses. Continuent Tungsten provides multiple options for spreading data across sites, including primary/DR, multi-master, and system-of-record approaches. Learn how Continuent Tungsten enables replication, failover, and routing of transactions between sites. 

In this video (recording of our webinar on 10/11/12) we

Haute disponibilité MySQL, par Continuent

La haute disponibilité, c’est garantir aux applications un accès permanent aux données, même en cas de panne. Permanent ? Même lorsque vous mettez à jour le schéma de vos bases ? Que vous ajoutez de la RAM sur un serveur ? Que vous reconfigurez ou redémarrez MySQL ?   

Comment lire les données depuis un nœud esclave avec une garantie que les données sont à jour, sans changement applicatif ?

Webinar 10/11: Multi-Master, Multi-Site MySQL Databases Made Easy with Continuent Tungsten

Cross-site databases are the next challenge facing today's MySQL-based businesses. Continuent Tungsten provides multiple options for spreading data across sites, including primary/DR, multi-master, and system-of-record approaches. Join us to learn how Continuent Tungsten enables replication, failover, and routing of transactions between sites.

We cover the following topics:

Introduction to

The best MySQL multi-master solution gets even better

The best (and truly the only) MySQL multi-master, multi-site solution on the market gets even better! Continuent is happy to announce immediate availability of Continuent Tungsten 1.5.New Continuent Tungsten 1.5 allows you to build multi-site, disaster recovery (DR) and multi-master solutions with ease:

Multi-Master Operations - Tungsten can support your multi-master operations today by linking

Webinar 5/17: MySQL High Availability Realized

High availability is about more than just making sure that applications can get to your data, even if there is a failure:

How about when you are upgrading your database schema What if you need to add memory to a database server or reconfigure/restart MySQL If your apps want to read data from a MySQL slave, how can you be sure they are not reading stale data without re-coding your apps What

Replication stars

Working with replication, you come across many topologies, some of them sound and established, some of them less so, and some of them still in the realm of the hopeless wishes. I have been working with replication for almost 10 years now, and my wish list grew quite big during this time. In the last 12 months, though, while working at Continuent, some of the topologies that I wanted to work with have moved from the cloud of wishful thinking to the firm land of things that happen. My quest for star replication starts with the most common topology. One master, many slaves.

Fig 1. Master/Slave topology


It looks like a star, with the rays extending from the master to the slaves. This is the basis of most of the replication going on mostly everywhere nowadays, and it has few surprises. Setting aside the …

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Quick recipes for database cluster building

One lesson learned in more than two decades working in this industry is that most of the IT professionals are impatient, want to achieve results immediately, and, most importantly, they don't read documentation. Much as the average geek is happy to answer many requests with a dismissive RTFM, the same geeks are not as diligent when it comes to learning about new or updated technologies. For this reason, there is a kind of documentation that is very much appreciated by busy and impatient professionals: cookbooks. And I am not talking about food. Geeks are not known for being cooks (1) and they like fast food. I am talking about collection of technical recipes, short articles where a problem is briefly stated, and a direct solution is shown. Working with Tungsten Replicator, I am constantly amazed at all the things you can do with it, and at the same time, I am amazed at how so few …

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Multi-Site, Multi-Master MySQL Databases Made Easy with Tungsten - Webinar 9/22

Cross-site databases are the next challenge facing today's MySQL-based businesses. Continuent Tungsten enables multi-master with an innovative new architecture called System of Record that avoids data conflicts, ensures sites are ready for quick failover, and uses hardware resources efficiently.Watch this video from our 9/22/11 webcast to learn how Tungsten Enterprise enables System of Record

Making mk-table-checksum less intrusive

About a month ago I needed to compare tens of thousands of tables in hundreds of databases between a few different servers. The obvious choice was, mk-table-checksum! The only problem was, that the tool needs to know the minimum and maximum value of the column by which each table is to be subdivided into chunks and checksummed. This select min(col), max(col) from table locks all write operations on the table and on a big table it meant downtime.

Looking at the source it was clear we could make mk-table-checksum run the select min(col), max(col) from table on the read-only slave and use the values to checksum the master.

It was subtle code changes in function:
get_range_statistics adding

my $cxn_string_dc = “DBI:mysql:;host=slavehost;port=3306;mysql_read_default_group=client”;
my $user = ‘user’;
my $pass = ‘password’;
my $dbh_slave = DBI->connect($cxn_string_dc, $user, $pass); …

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