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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Drizzle Developer Day in Santa Clara

Today I attended the Drizzle Developer Day which took place in the auditorium of the Sun Campus in Santa Clara.

Many of the the Drizzle core hackers as well as several other people interested in the development attended this event, hacking away and discussing various issues. Jeremy Zawodny gave a presentation about Craigslist's needs for Drizzle, Jay Pipes gave an overview over Google's protocol buffers library. I took a number of pictures, which you can find in my …

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Three domains of data

My MySQL Conference presentation on Tuesday discussed my practical findings on how Infobright's technology works in developing a MySQL-based data warehouse. I also touched on a more high-level question of how to select a technology for a different kinds of data-related problem areas, and this article expands on that discussion.

As pointed out by several other speakers at the conference, the balance of CPU, memory and storage has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Two important throughput factors on a per-thread basis have flattened out: CPU cycles per second are in fact dropping as power and cooling have become limiting factors, and the number of IO operations per device have only been increasing linearly, though Flash technologies have leaped on the latter front. However, two other factors are continuing to grow on …

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Kaj Shoot Out on Cloud Computing

I'm sitting in Kaj Arnö's Cloud Computing Shoot Out here in the MySQL Confernce & Expo. Great panel, great discussion! The important question, always, is about business models related to storage vs. compute clouds.

MySQL DTrace presentation slides

For some reason my presentation slides have not been posted to on MySQL Users Conference site. Here it is, a pdf format of "Introduction to Using DTrace with MySQL".

Kaj Shoot Out on Cloud Computing

I'm sitting in Kaj Arnö's Cloud Computing Shoot Out here in the MySQL Confernce & Expo. Great panel, great discussion! The important question, always, is about business models related to storage vs. compute clouds.

Kaj Shoot Out on Cloud Computing

I'm sitting in Kaj Arnö's Cloud Computing Shoot Out here in the MySQL Confernce & Expo. Great panel, great discussion! The important question, always, is about business models related to storage vs. compute clouds.

MySQL DTrace presentation slides

For some reason my presentation slides have not been posted to on MySQL Users Conference site. Here it is, a pdf format of "Introduction to Using DTrace with MySQL".

MySQL DTrace presentation slides

For some reason my presentation slides have not been posted to on MySQL Users Conference site. Here it is, a pdf format of "Introduction to Using DTrace with MySQL".

Mining for insight - presentation materials

Completed my MySQL Conference presentation 45 minutes ago. Seemed to go over ok, got some followup questions. Trouble is, I got hit by amazing jetlag half an hour before the session, and almost fell asleep myself during the presentation. Fortunately, survived that anyway, and as far as I could see, was the only one having problems staying awake. Below is an embedded version of the slides, which should also appear on the conference proceedings site later. Now for a beer at the expo. Will blog with more description of the stuff later (update: see this follow-up article).

Mining for …

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MySQL conference ‘09 Keynote: “State of the Dolphin” by Karen Padir

Here is a semi-liveblog from the opening keynote of the 2009 MySQL Conference & Expo on April 21st in Santa Clara, California. Karen Padir presents “State of the Dolphin”.

The room is big, with 2 screens on each side of the central stage. It seems to be completely filling up, but I got a good spot on the second row in the front. Directly around me I see Dups, Sheeri, Giuseppe, Kai, Mark Callaghan and many other faces I know, even they don’t necessarily know me

Opening music, fancy animations. Quotes from satisfied customers, combined with tribal-style music and statistics.

Colin Charles kicks off. Good morning, welcome. learn a lot, provide feedback. Thanking sponsors in the first minute..

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