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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
The Blue Pill or the Red Pill

At the recent FOSDEM 2010 event, I presented in my keynote Dolphins, now and beyond a option which I termed the “Blue Pill” or the “Red Pill”. The following slide produced noticed interest in a packed room, and subsequent conversation.

While the ownership of MySQL has changed, the option between MySQL and Oracle as a product for use still remains. While MySQL is the most popular for modern online applications, Oracle continues to have the widely used enterprise database product and has a large number of Oracle DBAs in the IT marketplace.

Over the past 5 years I have presented a number of topics on MySQL for Oracle DBA’s. At the upcoming MySQL Users Conference 2010 I will be presenting …

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Loadays CFP

I would like to point the crowd to the Call For Presentaions of Loadays. , the Linux Open Administration Days .

The Linux Open Administration days 2010 will be the first edition of a new conference focusing on Linux and Open Administration, we are trying to fill a gap for System Engineers and Administrators using Open Source technologies"

More details on the Linux Open Administration Days site

I'll probably be there .. given the fact that the event will be 5 minutes from where I live .

Technorati Tags: antwerpen cfp conference drupal

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My sessions at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2010

A preliminary schedule is now available for the MySQL Conference & Expo 2010 (in Santa Clara, California, USA). I have two talks and a tutorial, currently scheduled as follows:

Schedule might change a bit, so I …

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My sessions at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2010

A preliminary schedule is now available for the MySQL Conference & Expo 2010 (in Santa Clara, California, USA). I have two talks and a tutorial, currently scheduled as follows:

Schedule might change a bit, so I …

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FOSDEM: 'Connecting MySQL and Python', handout & wrap-up

Apparently, my talk at FOSDEM 2010 about Connecting MySQL and Python was the only one about Python? There should be more, or?

I have a hand-out ready in PDF. The slides are not usable without my chatter. It contains a few examples and links. Any comments, corrections, criticism.. are welcome!

The longer version of this talk will be given at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference&Expo 2010 in Santa Clara, California (USA).

FOSDEM: 'Connecting MySQL and Python', handout & wrap-up

Apparently, my talk at FOSDEM 2010 about Connecting MySQL and Python was the only one about Python? There should be more, or?

I have a hand-out ready in PDF. The slides are not usable without my chatter. It contains a few examples and links. Any comments, corrections, criticism.. are welcome!

The longer version of this talk will be given at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference&Expo 2010 in Santa Clara, California (USA).

MySQL Developers Room at FOSDEM 2010

I am in Brussels, waiting to attend FOSDEM 2010, one of the biggest open source gatherings in Europe, taking place this weekend in Brussels.
On Sunday, there is a Developers Room for MySQL and Friends, with 14 talks from open source professionals coming from Europe and North America.

The novelty of this round of talks is that thy will be 20 minutes long, rather than 1 hour. This will force all presenters to be more cautious about their timing, and to concentrate their talks on the essential. Even the experienced ones, who have given the same talk several times, will have to make an effort to come to the …

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FOSDEM: Change: Python/MySQL talk at 14:45 in MySQL Dev Room

Today we made a change in the schedule of talks held in the MySQL Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010, swapping two talks. Change is:

The printed booklets found at the conference will not reflect the change, but the printable schedule has already been updated.

FOSDEM: Change: Python/MySQL talk at 14:45 in MySQL Dev Room

Today we made a change in the schedule of talks held in the MySQL Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010, swapping two talks. Change is:

The printed booklets found at the conference will not reflect the change, but the printable schedule has already been updated.

Upcoming Conference Talks

I know the biggest part of my fanclub already booked tickets for my upcoming presentations, but the other 2 might want to check their calendars to see if they aren't missing out on the good stuff :)

Next Sunday I`ll giving a shortish overview of MySQL HA alternatives in the MySQL and Friends devroom at Fosdem.

March will bring me to Manchester again for the UKUUG Spring conference where I`ll be giving a longer version of that presentation with a strong focus on integrating with PaceMaker, and automating the whole boostrap procedure of a HA setup.

Early may will bring me to Ede in the Netherlands where I`ll be telling the crowds at the NLUUG spring conference, about their new fancy jobtitles, as …

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Showing entries 321 to 330 of 623
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