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Displaying posts with tag: devops (reset)
The all new MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet

Following MySQL InnoDB Cluster as our first, fully integrated MySQL High Availability solution based on Group Replication, MySQL Shell 8.0.19 includes MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet which delivers another complete solution, this time based on MySQL Replication.

The basic idea for InnoDB ReplicaSet is to do the same for classic MySQL Replication as InnoDB Cluster did for Group Replication.…

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A First Look at Amazon RDS Proxy

At re:Invent in Las Vegas in December 2019, AWS announced the public preview of RDS Proxy, a fully managed database proxy that sits between your application and RDS. The new service offers to “share established database connections, improving database efficiency and application scalability”.

But one of the benefits that caught my eye is the ability to reduce the downtime in case of an instance failure and a failover. As for the announcement:

In case of a failure, RDS Proxy automatically connects to a standby database instance while preserving connections from your application and reduces failover times for RDS and Aurora multi-AZ databases by up to 66%”

You can read more about the announcement and the new service on the AWS …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in Shell AdminAPI 8.0.18 release

The MySQL Development Team is very happy to announce a new 8.0 Maintenance Release of InnoDB Cluster – 8.0.18.

In addition to major quality improvements, 8.0.18 brings some very useful features!

This blog post will only cover InnoDB cluster’s frontend and control panel – MySQL Shell and its AdminAPI – Stay tuned for other blog posts covering MySQL Router and Group Replication!…

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A Breakthrough in Usability – Automatic Node Provisioning

As announced in the previous blog post, MySQL InnoDB Cluster just got a very much requested feature which makes a complete, out-of-the-box, easy-to-use and versatile HA solution – Automatic Node Provisioning.

InnoDB cluster users can now rely on it for every single step of cluster deployment and management.…

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Automatic Node Provisioning

The MySQL Development Team is very excited and proud of what was achieved in this 8.0.17 GA release!

The spotlight is on… A game-changer feature – Automatic Node provisioning!

This has been an extremely desired and important feature, and it has been accomplished, once again, with tight integration and cooperation of MySQL Components:

  • The new MySQL Clone Plugin: To take a physical snapshot of the database and transfer it over the network to provision a server, all integrated into the server, using regular MySQL connections.

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in Shell AdminAPI 8.0.17 release

The MySQL Development Team is very excited and proud to announce a new 8.0 Maintenance Release of InnoDB Cluster – 8.0.17!

In addition to important bug fixes and improvements, 8.0.17 brings a game-changer feature!

This blog post will cover MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI, for detailed information of what’s new in MySQL Router stay tuned for an upcoming blog post!…

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PORP LAB : ProxySQL/Orchestrator/Replication/PMM Summary PORP Lab will create 4 different nodes. Each node will have below packages/applications/db installed.

-- Percona Server 5.7
-- Percona Toolkit 
-- Percona XtraBackup 
-- Sysbench 
-- ProxySQL
-- Orchestrator 
-- PMM

mysql1 / mysql2 / mysql3
-- Percona Server 5.7
-- Percona Toolkit
-- pmm-client
-- Replication

PORP LAB have ProxySQL,Orchestrator and PMM properly configured, we can just create this lab and use it.

Install VirtualBox

Version 5.2.22 or Later

Install Vagrant

Version 2.2.2 or Later

Install Vagrant plugin hostmanager

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

Update Vagrant Plugin

vagrant plugin update

Clone the repo

git clone …
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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in the 8.0.16 release

The MySQL Development Team is very happy to announce a new 8.0 GA Maintenance Release of InnoDB Cluster – 8.0.16!

In addition to important bug fixes, 8.0.16 brings very useful new features!

This blog post will cover MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI, for detailed information of what’s new in MySQL Router stay tuned for an upcoming blog post!…

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Automating Tungsten upgrades using Ansible

Continuent Tungsten is one of the few all-in-one solutions for MySQL high availability. In this post I will show you how to automate the upgrade process using Ansible. I will walk you through the individual tasks and, finally, give you the complete playbook.

We will use a rolling approach, upgrading the slaves first, and finally upgrading the former master. There is no need for a master switch, as the process is transparent to the application.

I am assuming you are using the .ini based installation method. If you are still using staging host, I suggest you update your set up.

Pre tasks

The first step is ensuring the cluster is healthy, because we don’t want to start taking nodes offline unless we are sure the cluster is in good shape. One way of doing that is by using the built-in script tungsten_monitor. When we run the playbook, we only need to validate the cluster status on one node, so I am adding …

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Importing Data from MongoDB to MySQL: BSON Data Types

The latest release of the MySQL Shell 8.0.14 (GA) improved the JSON import utility to support the conversion of more BSON data types from the strict mode representation of MongoDB Extended JSON. This removes a previous limitation regarding the import of more complex MongoDB data types to MySQL, making it more reliable.…

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