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Displaying posts with tag: engineering (reset)
Indexing JSON in MySQL

Learn how to index JSON in MySQL with generated columns and functional indexes.

MySQL data types: VARCHAR and CHAR

In this entry of the series we explore using VARCHAR and CHAR data types in your database and give some pointers on which type is best to use and when.

The MySQL JSON data type

Learn what the MySQL JSON data type is when to use MySQL JSON and some caveats to using JSON documents in relational databases.

One million queries per second with MySQL

Discover how PlanetScale handles one million queries per second (QPS) with horizontal sharding in MySQL

MySQL semi-sync replication: durability consistency and split brains

We look at some basics and follow up to present scenarios that require higher level intervention to ensure availability and to avoid split brains from taking place.

Learn Horizontal Scaling on PlanetScaleDB with Vitess — Rate Puppies in a Rust app with Sharded MySQL Database

Rate Puppies in a Rust app with Sharded MySQL Database

Three bugs in the Go MySQL Driver
Automating MySQL schema migrations with GitHub Actions and more

In the past year, GitHub engineers shipped GitHub Packages, Actions, Sponsors, Mobile, security advisories and updates, notifications, code navigation, and more. Needless to say, the development pace at GitHub is accelerated.

With MySQL serving our backends, updating code requires changes to the underlying database schema. New features may require new tables, columns, changes to existing columns or indexes, dropping unused tables, and so on. On average, we have two schema migrations running daily on our production servers. Some days we have a half dozen migrations to run. We’ll cover how this amounted to a significant toil on the database infrastructure team, and how we searched for a solution to automate the manual parts of the process.

What’s in a migration?

At first …

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Uber’s Big Data Platform: 100+ Petabytes with Minute Latency

Uber is committed to delivering safer and more reliable transportation across our global markets. To accomplish this, Uber relies heavily on making data-driven decisions at every level, from forecasting rider demand during high traffic events to identifying and addressing bottlenecks

The post Uber’s Big Data Platform: 100+ Petabytes with Minute Latency appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

Jetpants Integration Testing

Tumblr is a big user of MySQL, and MySQL automation at Tumblr is centered around a tool we built called Jetpants. Jetpants does an incredible job making risky operations safe and reliable, even fairly complex tasks like replacing failed master servers, or splitting a shard.

While Jetpants is an incredibly effective and valuable tool for Tumblr’s day-to-day operation, it has remained very difficult to implement a meaningful testing framework. Integration testing at this level is very challenging. In this article I’ll go through these challenges and how we’ve tackled them at Tumblr.


Jetpants operates under the assumption you’re managing MySQL daemons on a fully functional host, and that it can:

  • ssh to the target system
  • manage processes via service or systemctl commands
  • copy data around between systems …
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Showing entries 31 to 40 of 50
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