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Displaying posts with tag: SSL (reset)
The State of SSL in MariaDB

Usually when one says “SSL” or “TLS” it means not a specific protocol but a family of protocols. Wikipedia article has the details, but in short — SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 are deprecated and should not be used anymore (the well-known POODLE vulnerability exploits the flaw in SSL 3.0). TLS 1.0 is sixteen years […]

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Secure Java Connections by Default

MySQL Connector/Java 5.1.38 was released earlier this week, and it includes a notable improvement related to secure connections.  Here’s how the change log describes it:

When connecting to a MySQL server 5.7 instance that supports TLS, Connector/J now prefers a TLS over a plain TCP connection.

This mirrors changes made in 5.7 to the behavior of MySQL command-line clients and libmysql client library.  Coupled with the streamlined/automatic generation of TLS key material to ensure TLS availability in MySQL Server 5.7 deployments, this is an important step towards providing secure communication in default deployments.

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SSL/TLS Improvements in MySQL 5.7.10

Secure communications is a core component of a robust security policy, and MySQL Server 5.7.10 – the first maintenance release of MySQL Server 5.7 – introduces needed improvements in this area.  Support for TLS has been expanded from TLSv1.0 to include TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, default ciphers have been updated, and controls have been implemented allowing both server and client-side configuration of acceptable TLS protocol versions.  This blog post will describe the changes, the context in which these changes were made, note important differences in capabilities between Community and Enterprise versions, and outline future plans.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)  was superseded by TLS ( …

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MySQL Connector/J 5.1.38 has been released

I’m pleased to announce that MySQL Connector/J 5.1.38 Maintenance Release is now generally available.

MySQL Connector/J can be downloaded from the official distribution channels MySQL Downloads and The Central repository. The commercially licensed version is available for download at My Oracle Support.

As always, we recommend that you check the CHANGES file in the download archive and/or the release notes to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.38, although released shortly after its predecessor, …

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Protecting MySQL Passwords With the sha256_password Plugin

Over the years, MySQL has used three different mechanisms for securing passwords both for storage and for transmission across networks. This blog post aims to provide a brief history of the various mechanisms and highlight reasons to migrate accounts to use the sha256_password mechanism introduced in MySQL Server 5.6.…

Identifying Insecure Connections

A key theme of the MySQL Server 5.7 release is much improved security. Earlier releases of MySQL 5.7 have introduced features supporting this initiative including automatic generation and detection of TLS key material and client-side preference for TLS connections. The recent MySQL 5.7.8 release builds upon this and provides additional monitoring and audit capabilities that make it easy to answer the question: “How secure are my client connections?”.…

SSL/TLS Connections to Recent MySQL Servers in Java

Recent changes to support better security by increasing strength of Diffie-Hellman cipher suites from 512-bit to 2048-bit were introduced to MySQL Server 5.7. While this change enhances security, it is an aggressive change in that 2048-bit DH ciphers are not universally supported. This has become a problem specifically for Java users, as only Java 8 JRE (currently) supports DH ciphers greater than 1024 bits. Making the problem more acute, this change was back-ported from MySQL Server 5.7 to the recent 5.6.26 and 5.5.45 releases in response to a community bug report. This blog post will identify affected applications, existing workarounds, and our plans to provide a more …

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SSL/TLS in 5.6 and 5.5 – oCERT Advisory

Today, oCERT published advisory 2015-003 describing a TLS vulnerability in MySQL and derivative products.  The content isn’t exactly news – it is documented legacy behavior and the subject of an earlier blog post describing how MySQL Server 5.7 solves the problem.  That said, the efforts of Duo Security are certainly appreciated and welcomed – it provides a meaningful context to discuss how to properly harden existing MySQL 5.5 and 5.6 deployments, as well as frame a discussion on potential changes in these versions to increase security.


The vulnerability described in the advisory relies on the legacy behavior of the client …

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SSL/TLS and RSA Improvements for OpenSSL Linked MySQL 5.7 Binaries


MySQL 5.7 server binaries compiled with the OpenSSL library now make it easy to set up SSL/TLS and RSA artifacts, and to enable them within MySQL. Two new read-only global options have been introduced through this work:

  • --auto-generate-certs: Enables automatic generation and detection of SSL artifacts at server start-up.
  • --sha256-password-auto-generate-rsa-keys: Enables automatic generation of an RSA key pair.

These options govern automatic generation and detection of SSL/TLS artifacts and RSA key pairs respectively. Auto generated files are placed inside the data directory, and both options now default to ON.

For the …

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Practical P_S: Which TLS ciphers are connections using?

As noted in an earlier post, MySQL Server 5.7 prefers and enables SSL/TLS connections by default.  That’s great and useful progress towards secure connections, but we know that not all SSL/TLS ciphers are created equal – some are older and more vulnerable.  Furthermore, some recent vulnerabilities rely on the ability to negotiate less-secure ciphers during the handshake.  Monitoring which ciphers are used can help identify connections using low-grade ciphers, but also to build an appropriate restricted cipher list.  Using improvements to PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA introduced in 5.7, you can now easily do this – and this post will show you how.

The cipher used for each TLS connection is stored in a …

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