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Displaying posts with tag: Blog (reset)
Barcamp #4: Dec 1 at mVillage

Barcamp Brussels 4 is comming

It?s decided! Barcamp Brussels #4 will take place on Saturday Dec 1st, in the mVillage business center in Schaarbeek, close to the Koninginneplein, Kruidtuin/Botanique and the Brussels North station (thanks for the help, Simon).


This blog turned 1 year old last month and I think all of my readers were glad to read it. I’ve never asked for help and I offered help to people who needed it. But today I’m forced to ask my readers for help because it is the first time in my long practice when I really don’t know how to solve my problem.


Several new feeds added to Planet MySQL

Due to a small mail filtering glitch we did not notice a number of new feed submissions for Planet MySQL that had been sent to us via the submission form since the beginning of the year. Doh!

Today I discovered them in a separate mail archive and have now added all the ones that were not spam or unrelated to MySQL.

So if you recently submitted your RSS feed and you don't see it aggregated on Planet MySQL by now, please resend your submission. Thanks and we're sorry for the delay and inconvenience!

Russian Feed Has Been Fixed

Want to say sorry to all my Russian language readers because my Russian Feed has been broken for last week or so after hoster changes. As for now feed works fine and you can read my last post in your native language!

Make your blog better with tags

Of all the features that I've added to my homebrew blogging software tagging (or folksonomys) has been my favorite. Here's why:

Tag Clouds

I've designed the home page of my blog to make it easy for a first time visitor to know what my blog is about. Nothing does this better than the tag cloud of popular tags they are presented with:

With a quick glance you can see that this blog is mostly about ColdFusion/CFML, but I also talk about MySQL, Java, RSS, …

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Best of 2003 Blog Entries

A few weeks ago I posted a collection of my best blog entries in 2002, now for 2003:

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MySQL-dump mailing-list

By popular request, there is now a mailing-list that will send new articles on MySQL-dump to those who subscribe to it. To subscribe, send e-mail to and reply to the mail you'll be sent.

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