Sorry for a short outage today – we were moving to a new server we had some problems because of software incompatibilities on the new box. Now all sites on this box should behave as usual
Tomorrow morning I am presenting a session, Startup Scalability
Strategies, at Startonomics, a conference being organized by
Dave McClure
and Deal
Maker Media. The sessions will be streamed live using
UStream. Check the
Startonomics website at for more
Also check out my guest blog post titled How Important Is Scalability written for
Startonomics blog.
This is more of an "behind the scenes" update and I hope that you won't see any (negative) changes on the PlanetMySQL front page or the RSS feeds: I just finished and commited the conversion of the backend script that performs the parsing and aggregation of feeds from requiring MagpieRSS to SimplePie.
This will provide better support for a wider range of feed types and should also fix a few quirks, e.g. that some postings (for example the one from Kevin Burton) only showed up as an "A" in the Planet's RSS feed. It hopefully also fixes a weirdness with time zones that …
[Read more]This is more of an "behind the scenes" update and I hope that you won't see any (negative) changes on the PlanetMySQL front page or the RSS feeds: I just finished and commited the conversion of the backend script that performs the parsing and aggregation of feeds from requiring MagpieRSS to SimplePie.
This will provide better support for a wider range of feed types and should also fix a few quirks, e.g. that some postings (for example the one from Kevin Burton) only showed up as an "A" in the Planet's RSS feed. It hopefully also fixes a weirdness with time zones that …
[Read more]Because of some weird bug my RSS feeds were broken ever since I’ve upgraded to WP 2.5. Today they were fixed and I hope they’ll have some new posts there soon Stay tuned.
While being subscribed to the full feed certainly feels like drinking water from a firehose, every once in a while I stumble over very well-written and useful articles about MySQL. Below is a collection of helpful posts, especially if you run MySQL on Solaris (surprise!). And while I still am an avid Linux user, I must admit that Solaris has a few neat features - particularly DTrace and ZFS are quite intriguing. If only userland would not feel so weird for someone coming from a GNU/Linux background!
From Jenny Chen's blog:
[Read more]I am attending the Web2.0 Expo at San Francisco this week. Today was the first day of the conference and the crowds seemed to be larger than last year. The primary focus seems to be on social networking this year.
I'll blog more about other aspects of the conference, but I wanted to focus this post on the twitter phenomenon. I'd heard of twitter of course, but I just could never figure out what it was all about. What was the big deal about telling the world what you were doing every second ? Who would even care ?
I attended a panel titled "Short attention span theater: The birth of micro-blogging and micro-media". It was mediated by Gregarious Narain (he turned out not to be all that gregarious) and included Jeremiah Owyang (Forrester Research), Stowe Boyd (consultant) and …
[Read more]I am attending the Web2.0 Expo at San Francisco this week. Today was the first day of the conference and the crowds seemed to be larger than last year. The primary focus seems to be on social networking this year.
I'll blog more about other aspects of the conference, but I wanted to focus this post on the twitter phenomenon. I'd heard of twitter of course, but I just could never figure out what it was all about. What was the big deal about telling the world what you were doing every second ? Who would even care ?
I attended a panel titled "Short attention span theater: The birth of micro-blogging and micro-media". It was mediated by Gregarious Narain (he turned out not to be all that gregarious) and included Jeremiah Owyang (Forrester Research), Stowe Boyd (consultant) and …
[Read more]I am attending the Web2.0 Expo at San Francisco this week. Today was the first day of the conference and the crowds seemed to be larger than last year. The primary focus seems to be on social networking this year.
I'll blog more about other aspects of the conference, but I wanted to focus this post on the twitter phenomenon. I'd heard of twitter of course, but I just could never figure out what it was all about. What was the big deal about telling the world what you were doing every second ? Who would even care ?
I attended a panel titled "Short attention span theater: The birth of micro-blogging and micro-media". It was mediated by Gregarious Narain (he turned out not to be all that gregarious) and included Jeremiah Owyang (Forrester Research), Stowe Boyd (consultant) and …
[Read more]
To look a little bit more nice and because I do not want to spend
to much time into my own blog/feed software I have decided to
move all my writings here.
But the most interesting for me to is the readers feed back...