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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
MySQL Tour Munich

In February my colleague Morgan Tocker will travel through Europe and talk about MySQL 5.7, which recently went GA.

In Munich we're having a meeting for PHPers and other Web developers, where Morgan will talk about MySQL and JSON and I'll also be around.

Summary of the talk:

With the newly added JSON support in MySQL, you can combine the flexibility of NoSQL with the strength of a relational database. In this session, Morgan will explain the new JSON datatype, and the new set of functions for handling JSON documents, available storage and indexing options. In addition, he will present benchmarks showing how much one can expect from the MySQL server in different use case scenarios.

About Morgan: Morgan rejoined the MySQL team at Oracle in 2013 as MySQL Community Manager, having …

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Upgrade To Better Passwords in PHP

The password features in PHP aren't exactly new, but I see lots of applications from "before" which aren't being migrated to better practices. I have some strategies for doing these migrations so I thought I'd share my main approach, plus a similar-but-different one I saw in the wild (OK it was in CakePHP, so not too wild!).

The examples here assume that you currently have either unsalted or all-with-the-same-salt passwords stored in your database, hashed with md5 or sha1 or something. This is a Very Bad Idea (TM) since it's trivial to recover unsalted passwords and not all that hard to figure out same-salted ones.

Enter the password_hash() and password_verify() functions which were included by default in PHP 5.5 but are also available for PHP 5.3.9+ via a userland implementation (see …

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Install GLPI on Debian 7

In this article we will show you how to install GLPI with Apache, PHP and MySQL on a Debian 7 VPS. GLPI is an IT software management package developed in PHP. It offers many functionalities one of which is to build up a database with an inventory for your company (computer, monitors, software, printers…). GLPI has enhanced functions to make the daily life for the administrators easier, like a job-tracking-system with mail-notification and methods to build a database with basic information about your network-topology. Below are the functions of this application: Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers and associated components […]

Fedora LAMP Steps

I posted earlier in the year how to configure a Fedora instance to test PHP code on a local VM. However, I’ve got a few questions on how to find those posts. Here’s a consolidation with links on those steps:

  1. Go to this blog post and install the httpd and php libraries with the yum installer.
  2. In the same blog post as step 1 (you can put the sample PHP code into the /var/www/html directory for testing), connect to the yum shell and remove the php-mysql library and then install the mysqlnd library.
  3. Go to this blog …
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PHP Learning Path from O'Reilly

I'm very excited to announce that some of my content is featured in the PHP Learning Path from O'Reilly. The Learning Paths are a good way to buy a bundle of content from different people on related topics, and the introductory pricing is always a good deal! Their newest offering is the PHP Learning Path, which has a video course on PHP and MySQL, my intermediate PHP Video course (they wouldn't let me call it "all the things Lorna thinks PHP developers need to know" unfortunately!) and also my video course Git for Web Developers which has a bunch of PHP in it as well as my best git tips and tricks.

I think it's a pretty well-rounded collection and it's only $99 for a couple of weeks, so get the PHP Learning Path here and let me know what you think?

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Session logout fix with CodeIgniter framework when dealing with ajax requests and iframes in SPA applications

Recently, we had an issue in our application which is a single page application(SPA). We have all the functionality in a single page and most of the data and view changes happen through ajax requests and iframe page displays.We are using CodeIgniter framework for this application. So sometimes what happened was the user was logged out while accessing the application and this occurred once a while for 1 or 2 users, not a reproducible case one would say.Before starting on the case, I would like to specify the steps which CodeIgniter takes for checking session for any request.Steps:
1. Read session cookie sent from browser.
2. Read session cookie process proceeds with below step checks (If any one step fails below, it results in create one session cookie)
2a. Checks if session cookie is present
2b. Checks if it is a valid session cookie by using it's decryption algorithm check
2c. If  valid session, then check if …

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How to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP) and phpMyAdmin on a Debian 8 VPS

In this article we will walk you through the steps on how to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP-FPM) on a Debian 8 VPS. A LAMP stack is a synonym of LAMP server or LAMP web server. It refers to a set-up which includes Linux, Apache, MySQL (MariaDB) and PHP. REQUIREMENTS We will be using our SSD 1 Linux VPS hosting plan for this tutorial. UPDATE THE SYSTEM Make sure your server is fully up to date using: # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade INSTALL APACHE To install Apache on your Debian 8 server, you need to execute the […]

ConFoo Call for Papers is Open

ConFoo is once more seeking passionate speakers for the upcoming conference.

The event is happening in Montreal, Canada, between February 24th and 26th, 2016. It is an exciting conference for web developers with speakers from all over the world. It unites many web programming languages under one roof, as well as other topics related to web development. The call for papers closes on September 20th.

ConFoo renews 50% of its speakers each year. If you’re new to this conference, you should definitely submit.

If you would just like to attend, there is a discount until October 13th.

LAMP php-gd Libraries

Everything seemed complete after configuring my standalone MySQL instance to a LAMP installation, but last night I started playing with the image files. It turns out that I failed to install the php-gd library.

There’s very little feedback when you try to troubleshoot why you can’t read an image. In fact, the error message for reading the BLOB from MySQL was only available on the local Firefox browser:

      The image "http://localhost/ConvertMySQLBlobToImage.php" cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

The fix requires root to install the php-gd library with the yum utility:

yum install php-gd

You’ll need to answer …

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Open Fedora Port 80

After installing the LAMP stack on Fedora, you need to open port 80 in the Firewall to access the PHP programs on the Fedora instance from external servers. You can open a firewall port by launching the firewall-config application as the root user with the following syntax:


The firewall-config utility opens the following dialog:

Click on the Ports tab, and you’ll see the following:

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