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Displaying posts with tag: cfp (reset)
MySQL UC2009 - Little innovation so far

MySQL Community, I am disappointed.

Innovation Everywhere is the theme of the Users Conference and Expo 2009, and yet, in the proposals that I have received so far I have seen very little innovation. Few daring technical proposals. Few accounts of truly novel exploits.

Instead, I've seen very similar topics to past years, without the spark of experimentation that we look for as an extra spice for the year where the topic is Innovation.

If I look at Planet MySQL, I see plenty of movement. New projects, new releases of old projects, people trying exciting technologies, others combining old technologies with new platforms. And yet, some of the people who are posting these exciting news are …

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MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 - Call for participation is still open!

The call for participation for the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 has been open for a month, and it will last for a few weeks more.

The CfP is open until October 22nd, 2008. The theme for the conference is Innovation Everywhere. If you have something innovative in mind and want to submit a proposal, hurry up!

Before you submit, make sure you read the guidelines. That will help you making a better proposal, with more chances of being accepted.

How to get your proposal accepted to the MySQL Users Conference 2009

The call for papers for the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 is open. Proposals are accepted until October 22, 2008.
This post will tell you how to get your proposal accepted.
First: READ the following posts. I mean it!
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Innovation Everywhere - MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009

The MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 has open its Call for Papers. The past edition had close to 2,000 participants, and the next one shouldn't be any poorer.

The theme for the next conference is Innovation Everywhere. After being a earthquake in the business world with the acquisition by Sun, MySQL continues its course towards innovation, by pursuing new users, new markets, new needs with continuous innovation.

A novelty, compared to past edition, is an embedded MySQLCamp within the conference. It will be an open space, driven and organized by the community, oriented to developers and advanced users.

T-Dose CFP Extended

JP just wrote in to let me know that the T-Dose 2008 CFP has been extended. So there is still time to send in your abstracts

Oh right .. I was expecting to much from you folks.

So lemme translate, Jean-Paul Saman, one of the T-Dose organizers, wrote me this morning to let the world know that he is still accepting proposals for talks at T-Dose , The Technical Dutch Open Source Event which will take place on 25 and 26 October 2008 at the …

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T-Dose CFP Extended

JP just wrote in to let me know that the T-Dose 2008 CFP has been extended. So there is still time to send in your abstracts

Oh right .. I was expecting to much from you folks.

So lemme translate, Jean-Paul Saman, one of the T-Dose organizers, wrote me this morning to let the world know that he is still accepting proposals for talks at T-Dose , The Technical Dutch Open Source Event which will take place on 25 and 26 October 2008 at the …

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Am I expecting too much from my readers ?

My last post, titled T-Dose CFP, got a comment from Bobby that people reading my feed from Planet MySQL couldn't possibly understand my post because of the lack of context.

So let me repost it..

Geekdinner is an unformal dinner where geeks meet , here in Belgium , but also at other places around the world, Every couple of months we meet , have dinner and chat about geeky stuff , such as tech conferences, mysql, drupal, jboss and other topics.

One of these topics was T-Dose , The Technical Dutch Open Source Event, which has their Call For Papers / Presentations available , so if you want to present there .. you have to tell them.

Bert Boerland gave a talk about Drupal there last year and Some Abstract Type, aka Geert Vanderkelen , MySQL/ Sun has also been spotted there …

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T-Dose 2008 CFP

At this weeks' geekdinner some people wondered what was up with T-Dose, and guess what .. their CFP has been out for ages.

Last year I just catched the end of Bert's talk and Some Abstract Type has also been spotted there before.

No reason to miss this year's edition.

Open Source Developers' Conference 2007 - Brisbane - Call for Papers

OSDC is a grass-roots conference providing Open Source developers with an opportunity to meet, share, learn, and of course show-off. OSDC focuses on Open Source developers building solutions directly for customers and other end users, anything goes as long as the code or the development platform is Open Source. Last year's conference attracted over 180 people, 60 talks, and 6 tutorials. Entry for delegates is kept easy by maintaining a low registration fee (approx $300), which always includes the conference dinner.

This year OSDC will be held in Brisbane from the 26th to the 29th of November, with an extra dedicated stream for presentations on Open Source business development, case studies, software process, and project management. The theme for this year's conference is "Success in Development & Business". If you are an Open Source maintainer, developer or user we would encourage you to submit a talk proposal on the open-source …

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