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MySQL waits and CPU

Question: how do I know that one user is waiting for a lock and another  user is burning CPU on MySQL?

i.e. how can I create active session history on MySQL like on Oracle?

Two simple cases I’m looking at

  1. session waiting on lock
    1. The wait event is ” wait/io/table/sql/handler” which happens for a number of potential reasons
    2. -> I can join to information_schema views INNODB_LOCK_WAITS & INNODB_TRX but this is heavy, and I’d rather only access those after I know there is a lock waiter.
  2. session burning CPU
    1. How do I know from performance schema views that the connection is active and burning CPU?
    2. It has a wait event that shows up wait/synch/mutex/sql/THD::LOCK_thd_data
    3. on Oracle to determine CPU, we …
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MySQL 8: Password Verification Policy

In keeping with my MySQL 8 user administration and security theme, I’d like to discuss the password verification-required policy introduced in MySQL 8.0.13. With this feature, it is possible to require that attempts to change an account password be verified by specifying the existing current password to be replaced.


The password verification-required policy enables DBAs to prevent users from changing a password without proving that they know the current password. When would this happen? Such changes could occur if a user walked away from a terminal session without logging out, and a malicious user uses the open session to change the original user’s MySQL password. As you can imagine, this could have disastrous consequences:

  • The original user is now unable to access MySQL until an administrator can reset the account password. 
  • The malicious user can access MySQL until a password …
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MySQL 8.0.28 Quick Peek

Oracle released MySQL 8.0.28 on January 18th with little fanfare, as part of their four times a year release cycle.  So what is included in the new release? Over the past few years, there have been some cool new features included in these ‘dot’ releases that some in the community say would have been better off being labeled as a major release. But what is in .28? Below are the more interesting changes in the database server and the shell, as there was not a whole lot changed in the other products such as router or MEM… I put my asides in italics and my views probably do not reflect the views of anyone else.

And remember, 8.0.29 is due in April.


The TL;DR synopsis is that a lot of excellent work went into MySQL Server & shell 8.0.28 but the pressing question is do you really need to install it right away?  On the scale from ‘you probably should wait to upgrade’ to ‘update ASAP’ …

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Using Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 and Percona XtraBackup 8.0 with HashiCorp Vault Enterprise KMIP Secrets Engine

KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol) is an open standard developed by OASIS (Organization for Advancement of Structured Information Standards) for the encryption of stored data and cryptographic key management.

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.27 and Percona XtraBackup 8.0.27 now include a KMIP keyring plugin to enable the exchange of cryptographic keys between a key management server and the database for encryption purposes. The procedure to use them with HashiCorp Vault Enterprise is described below.

Install Hashicorp Vault Enterprise

We will first install Hashicorp Vault Enterprise on Ubuntu Linux “Bionic” and then enable …

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Quick SQL Snippets in MySQL Workbench

Supercharge your productivity in MySQL Workbench with these ‘click and paste’ SQL code snippets available for any table in a schema. Continue reading and see the ‘Staple Five‘…

Do you need to learn MySQL? Just starting and confused about how to query a table and get the data you need? I am creating premium MySQL Beginners content for this specific reason. To help those who want to learn the basics of MySQL but don’t know where to start. Learn more about the premium blog posts as I develop and release them.

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If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me …

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Counting with countAll() and countAllResults() in CodeIgniter 4

Getting a count of table or query rows in CodeIgniter 4 is quite easy using either of the Query Builder countAll() or countAllResults() functions. Continue reading to see examples of each…

Do you need to learn MySQL? Just starting and confused about how to query a table and get the data you need? I am creating premium MySQL Beginners content for this specific reason. To help those who want to learn the basics of MySQL but don’t know where to start. Learn more about the premium blog posts as I develop and release them.

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Image by  …

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How to Estimate time for Rollback in a cancelled transaction MySQL ?

Rollback is an operation, which changes the current state of the transaction to the previous state. Undo logs are generally required if we want to roll back any of the uncommitted transactions and it plays a major role in Isolation.

For any changes made during a transaction, it must be stored priorly, because they are required if we choose to roll back the transaction.

Entries are made in undo logs when data modifications are done. If a transaction modifies data with SQL commands, It will create discrete undo logs for each operation. Once a transaction is committed MySQL is free to purge the undo logs created in that transaction. 

To know more about undo logs, you can check our previous blogs on overview to undo logs.

Usually, the Rollback process will take more time than the original operation. Because …

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Extending MySQL using the Component Infrastructure – part 11: performance_schema table

This post is the eleven one of a series of articles on extending MySQL with the Component Infrastructure, the list above will be updated as new articles are published:

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Minor version upgrade of a Galera Cluster for MySQL

Recently we got a question about how one can perform a minor version upgrade of a Galera Cluster, and today we just want to say that it is reasonably straightforward. While upgrades are a feature of Galera Manager that we are most excited to see come soon, today, doing it manually on the command line is quite simple! In this post, we will go through upgrading a 9-node geographically spread cluster, from MySQL 8.0.23 to 8.0.26. We also have extensive documentation: Upgrading Galera Cluster.

We have 3 nodes each in Singapore, London and San Francisco, making the cluster comprise of a total of 9 nodes, as we can confirm by executing: show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size';.

Since we installed all this via the RPM package manager on CentOS 7 by adding the YUM repository to the …

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MySQL 8.0.28 Release Note Commentary

 MySQL Server version  8.0.28 was launched a few days ago and without a lot a fanfare. Which is a shame and I wish we had more of a splash for every release.  The release notes are available here

I would like to highlight some of the changes.

There are over a hundred bug fixes and big thanks to Hope Lee, Casa Zhang, Øystein Grøvlen, Song Zhibai, Facebook, Hobert Lu, Brian Yue, Zhai Weixiang, Murakami Kohei,  Venkatesh Prasad Venugopal, and the Tencent team.

The Highlights

This release does not have a lot of 'wow' new features but shows a lot of solid work in evolving the product. 

  • The new audit_log_disable system variable …
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