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Displaying posts with tag: Percona XtraBackup (reset)
Announcing Percona XtraBackup 2.1.1 GA

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.1.1 on May 15th 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here and Percona Software Repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, XtraBackup drives down backup costs while providing unique features for MySQL backup. The new 2.1.1 GA …

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How to create a new (or repair a broken) GTID based slave with Percona XtraBackup

Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 has been published with support for GTID based replication. As promised, here is the step-by-step guide on how to create a new GTID based slave (or repair a broken one) using XtraBackup. The process is pretty straightforward.

1- Take a backup from any server on the replication environment, master or slave:

# innobackupex /destination/

In the destination folder there will be a file with the name xtrabackup_binlog_info:

# cat xtrabackup_binlog_info
mysql-bin.000002        1232            c777888a-b6df-11e2-a604-080027635ef5:1-4

Now it contains both, binary log coordinates and GTID information.

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Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0 ‘release candidate’ for MySQL available for download

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0-rc1 on May 7, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here. For this RC release, we will not be making APT and YUM repositories available, just base deb and RPM packages

This is an Release Candidate quality release and is not intended for production. If you want a high-quality, generally available release, the current stable version should be used (currently 2.0.7 in the 2.0 series at the time of writing).

New Features:

  • This version of Percona XtraBackup has implemented full …
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Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL available for download

Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 was released May 6.

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL on May 6, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here and Percona Software Repositories. Percona XtraBackup is the world’s only open-source, free MySQL hot backup software that performs non-blocking backups for InnoDB and XtraDB databases.

This release is the current GA (Generally Available) stable release in the 2.0 series.

New Features:

  • This version of Percona XtraBackup has implemented full support …
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Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013: It feels like 2007 again

I actually don’t remember exactly whether it was in 2006, 2007 or 2008 — but around that time the MySQL community had one of the greatest MySQL conferences put on by O’Reilly and MySQL. It was a good, stable, predictable time.

Shortly thereafter, the MySQL world saw acquisitions, forks, times of uncertainly, more acquisitions, more forks, rumors (“Oracle is going to kill MySQL and the whole Internet”) and just a lot of drama and politics.

And now, after all this time some 6 or 7 years later, it feels like a MySQL Renaissance. All of the major MySQL players are coming to the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013. I am happy to see Oracle’s engineers coming with talks — and now with a great MySQL 5.6 release — and I have great …

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MySQL Backup tools used by Percona Remote DBA for MySQL

As part of Percona Remote DBA for MySQL service we recognize that reliable backups are one of the most important things we can bring to the table. In my experience handling emergencies, the single worst thing that can happen is finding out you don’t have backups available when some sort of data loss or catastrophic event occurs.

With our Remote DBA service we can take care of backups for you, what follows are some of the internals of our implementation.

What kind of outages can happen?

  • Someone runs UPDATE or DELETE and forgets the where clause or filters weren’t quite right
  • The application had a bug causing data to be removed or overwritten
  • A table (or entire schema) was dropped …
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Industrial-strength MySQL applications using Percona and Continuent

MySQL is the first choice for a large majority of web applications thanks to its ease of use and low cost of operation. However, running big apps on MySQL is still a challenge even for experts. In this webinar we show you how to combine Percona Server and Percona XtraBackup with Continuent Tungsten to build business-critical systems capable of processing hundreds of millions of transactions per

Webinar: Industrial-Strength MySQL Applications Using Percona and Continuent

Wednesday, 11/28 @ 10 am PT/ 1 pm ET Register at

MySQL is the first choice for a large majority of web applications thanks to its ease of use and low cost of operation. However, running big apps on MySQL is still a challenge even for experts. In this webinar we will show you how to combine

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