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Displaying posts with tag: ubuntu (reset)
Creating Simple Virtual Hosts With mod_mysql_vhost On Lighttpd (Ubuntu 12.04)

Creating Simple Virtual Hosts With mod_mysql_vhost On Lighttpd (Ubuntu 12.04)

This guide explains how you can use mod_mysql_vhost to create simple virtual hosts on a lighttpd web server on Ubuntu 12.04. With mod_mysql_vhost, lighttpd can read the vhost configuration from a MySQL database. Currently, you can store the domain and the document root in the MySQL database which results in very simple virtual hosts. If you need more directives for your vhosts, you'd have to configure them in the global section of lighttpd.conf, which means they'd be valid for all vhosts. Therefore, mod_mysql_vhost is ideal if your vhosts differ only in the domain and document root.

Setting up RAID0 in Ubuntu 12.04 in AWS High I/O

Amazon announced high I/O instances today. This is huge for anyone with a database larger than available memory, as it’s been a complete nightmare dealing with EBS up till now. Now your Cassandra, MongoDB, MySQL, or whatever your using should be able to perform well without requiring keeping your entire dataset in memory.

With each instance you get 2x1TB of disk. In this tutorial I’ll be setting it up as a RAID0 to get a single 2TB disk which should deliver excellent performance.

Before you get started, make sure you’ve got mdadm installed:

apt-get install mdadm

To begin, check fdisk and make sure your 1TB drives are mounted.

root@ip-10-140-128-232:~# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/xvda1: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1044 cylinders, total 16777216 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / …

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Living With Linux

I learned how to use a computer on DOS and Windows. My first programming projects were written in QBASIC and my first Web applications were written in VB using ASP on Windows 2000. The first job where I made decent money was developing a SQL Server-based application. I bought my first car, an engagement ring, and a honeymoon with money from making software on Windows. Needless to say, I found a lot of intellectual and financial fulfillment from Windows over the years.

That first real job also allowed me flexibility in what technology I could employ, and I helped implement a features using Redis on top of Ubuntu. This was a fun time, because my company basically paid me to study a new technology and to gain experience using it. On my own, I began to use Linux and to embrace open-source ideas, one of which is that the consumer is also the producer. I changed my mindset about what it means to use software: for open-source projects, it often …

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Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (LAMP)

Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (LAMP)

LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.

The Ubuntu Developer Summit

The Ubuntu Developer Summit takes place at The Oakland Marriott City Center, Oakland, California from 7–11 May 2012. 

If your attending this event, you will have a few different MySQL opportunities to attend:

Oracle is proud to also be a Sponsor of the Ubuntu Developer Summit. A full schedule of the event is available here.

 Join us as we help support and grow the MySQL Communities. 

how to setup gitorious on ubuntu server 11.10

In this tutorial I will describe how to setup gitorious on Ubuntu 11.10. Gitorious – a Ruby on Rails web application – can be used to conclude git projects in an easy to manage user interface. In the README of the gitorious repository I found the evidence “One of the main challenges in Gitorious is its installation process. It is anything but trivial.” – It appears correct During the installation I got some errors by the sphinx search engine and some ruby gems. You will find the workarounds in this tutorial.


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How do we control MySQL daemon in Linux, part1

As you may expect from open source world thingy, almost every Linux distribution has developed it’s own way to manage our favourite RDBMS service. Yet none is perfect, or even some of them seems to not work in real server scenario1.

In this post I’m trying to compare and point out most annoying aspects of initialization scripts that I had to face in production.

In ‘old days’ probably all Linux distributions used to start and stop services using so called init scripts usually written in Unix shell (sh or Bash). But situation is not so simple these days anymore.

Folks started to think about improving things, like making system initialization faster by parallelization of starting services. So Upstart was developed in …

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Creating A Portable MySQL On CentOS 6 And Ubuntu 11.10 Linux From Sources

Creating A Portable MySQL On CentOS 6 And Ubuntu 11.10 Linux From Sources

This tutorial shows how to create a portable MySQL installation on GNU/Linux. At the end of this guide you will obtain a portable MySQL installation on a target directory with its own databases, binaries, logs, pid files, etc.  Consider always the use of a permission preserving packaging (like TAR) for moving the installation between systems or removable storages.

Creating Multiple MySQL Instance

1. Create a separate data and log directories

# mkdir /var/lib/mysql2

# chown -R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql2

# mkdir /var/log/mysql2

# chown -R mysql.mysql /var/log/mysql2

2. Create a new mysql configuration file

# cp -R /etc/my.cnf /etc/my2.cnf

For Ubuntu Linux

# cp -R /etc/mysql /etc/mysql2

3. Edit the new configuration file

# nano /etc/my2.cnf

# change/add the following options

port = 3307

datadir = /var/lib/mysql2

socket = /var/lib/mysql2/mysql.sock

# add [mysql_safe]

log-error = /var/log/mysql2/mysql.log

pid-file = /var/lib/mysql2/

OR (For Ubuntu Linux)

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Detecting and Removing Unused Indexes in MySQL

Preface: The following post is a backup from a post first published on the Moviepilot Techblog, which is going to be replaced by the Moviepilot Labs Blog. The content is a bit outdated, as the way to go today is … Weiterlesen →

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