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Displaying posts with tag: Tools (reset)
Slapping MySQL-Proxy

I have old applications that need to read (and write) MyISAM tables that themselves receive lots of bulk updates. Time to try MySQL-Proxy.

MySQL Proxy is light on documentation and very few people written anything about working.   Most of what I have read says MySQL-Proxy is not ready for prim time.  I have hope so I had to give it a try.

I started with thee VMware servers. I setup one master and two read only slaves.   I tested the replication with mysqlslap from another independent server and it worked fine.  The slave never ran more then a second behind.

I downloaded mysql-proxy-0.8.0.tar.gz (64x version).  I …

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Reacting to small variations in response time

I wrote recently about early detection for MySQL performance problems. If your server is having micro-fluctuations in performance, it’s important to know, because very soon they will turn much worse. What can you do about this?

The most important thing is not to guess at what’s happening, but to measure instead. I have seen these problems from DNS, the binary log, failing hardware, the query cache, the table cache, the thread cache, and a variety of InnoDB edge cases. Guessing at the problem is very dangerous; you need diagnostic data. But it is often quite hard to catch a problem in action when you can only observe it in hindsight, and it happens only for a few seconds once or twice a week. This blog post is about how to detect small variations in performance, especially when it is most difficult to observe them. …

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A better way to build Cacti templates

The traditional way to build Cacti templates is through the Cacti web interface. This is an enormous amount of work, and the result is generally not very consistent or good quality. The process is too error-prone. You can export the templates as XML, but they tend to have problems such as version incompatibilities with other Cacti installations, and it’s hard to adapt them for user preferences such as different graph image sizes and polling intervals.

The way I build Cacti templates is exactly the opposite. I create a data structure in a file, which looks like many configuration file syntaxes you’ve probably worked with. It represents the graphs, templates, scripts, and so on. From this, a tool generates the XML template file, which is a universal template definition, and is a breeze to import into Cacti. It is completely consistent and has zero cruft in it. This process prevents errors, and the results are perfect every time. …

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Hack MySQL tools retired, succeeded

I’m surprised, and flattered, to see that people still use, write and recommend mysqlsla, mysqlreport and–most surprisingly–mysqlsniffer. In truth, however, I consider all the original Hack MySQL tools as retired. Maatkit consumes the majority of my development time and provides better replacements for all the Hack MySQL tools. The mk tools are better because–most importantly–they’re tested, their code is more robust, and they benefit from the collected knowledge and experience of the community’s top minds (whereas the Hack MySQL tools are brain-children of only my knowledge and experience circa several years ago).

Thus I created a new tools page where I list and briefly profile free, open-source MySQL tools. As the intro paragraph states, MySQL Forge does this, too, but imho the forge is a dense jungle in which it is difficult to discern the useful bits from the …

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DBJ – Wonders of Maatkit for MySQL

If you’re new to the MySQL DBA role, you’ll be excited to learn about the Maatkit toolset.  It provides a whole host of valuable functionality and fills many of the DBAs day-to-day needs.

DatabaseJournal – Wonders of Maatkit

How to read Linux’s /proc/diskstats easily

These days I spend more time looking at /proc/diskstats than I do at iostat. The problem with iostat is that it lumps reads and writes together, and I want to see them separately. That’s really important on a database server (e.g. MySQL performance analysis).

It’s not easy to read /proc/diskstats by looking at them, though. So I usually do the following to get a nice readable table:

  • Grep out the device I want to examine.
  • Push that through “rel” from the Aspersa project.
  • Add column headers, then format it with “align” from the same project.

Here’s a recipe. You might want to refer to the kernel iostat documentation too.

chmod +x rel align
while sleep 1; do grep sdb1 …
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An SSH tool to make your life easier

A MySQL user group member saw that I use Poderosa as my ssh-on-Windows tool, and asked why I did not use PuTTY. My response was that I like having tabbed windows and hate having to keep opening another PuTTY program every time I want to open another connection. With Poderosa I can open a new connection with Alt-N, and I can even connect directly to Cygwin with an icon.

But Poderosa is not the tool I wanted to mention….Another user group member mentioned PuTTY Connection Manager. It wraps around PuTTY and gets the existing saved connections, makes a nicely tabbed browsing window where you can open sessions by double-clicking the connections, which are now listed on the right-hand side.

See screenshot below:

I have not played with …

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New Maatkit tool to compute index usage

In a couple of recent consulting cases, I needed a tool to analyze how a log of queries accesses indexes and tables in the database, specifically, to find out which indexes are not used. I initially hacked together something similar to Daniel Nichter’s mysqlidxchk, but using the framework provided by Maatkit, which gave me a pretty good start right out of the box. This was useful in the very tight time constraints I was under, but was not a complete solution. Alas, I could not use anything like Percona’s enhancements for finding unused indexes.

So, in response to another consultant’s customer request (and sponsorship — thank you!) I spent more time actually writing a real tool in the Maatkit style, with full tests and all the rest of the usual goodies. The resulting …

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Using Aspersa to capture diagnostic data

I frequently encounter MySQL servers with intermittent problems that don’t happen when I’m watching the server. Gathering good diagnostic data when the problem happens is a must. Aspersa includes two utilities to make this easier.

The first is called ’stalk’. It would be called ‘watch’ but that’s already a name of a standard Unix utility. It simply watches for a condition to happen and fires off the second utility.

This second utility does most of the work. It is called ‘collect’ and by default, it gathers stats on a number of things for 30 seconds. It names these statistics according to the time it was started, and places them into a directory for analysis.

Here’s a sample of how to use the tools. In summary: get them and make them executable, then configure them; then start a screen session and run the ’stalk’ utility as root. Go do …

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Maatkit learns how to map-reduce

The May release of Maatkit included a new feature in mk-query-digest. This allows you to process queries in many pieces, write out intermediate results, and then combine the pieces in a separate step. Maybe it’s not exactly map-reduce, but it makes a good headline.

The purpose is to enable query analysis across an arbitrarily large group of servers. Process queries on all of them, ship the results to a central place, and then combine them together. Pre-processing the results has some nice benefits, such as reduced bandwidth requirements, speeding up processing by doing it in parallel, and reducing the workload on the central aggregator. One Percona customer with many MySQL instances is trying this out.

The --save-results option on mk-query-digest saves the digested results to a file, stopping just before the final stages of the query event pipeline. There is a tool in Subversion trunk, tentatively called …

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