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Displaying posts with tag: pentaho data integration (reset)
MySQL User Conference 2010

Dear Kettle and MySQL fans,

Next week I’ll be strolling around the MySQL user conference in Santa Clara.  Even better, I’ll be presenting Tuesday afternoon (3:05pm).  The topic is Pentaho Data Integration 4.0 and MySQL.

The presentation will show you what the world’s most popular open source data integration tool can do for a MySQL user.  It will include practical examples and will showcase the latest improvements present in the brand new version 4.0.

Even more than the presentation itself, I’m looking forward to meeting you all over there.  The regular crowd, MySQL users, Pentaho partners, folks from …

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Writing another book: Pentaho Kettle Solutions

Last year, at about this time of the year, I was well involved in the process of writing the book Pentaho Solutions: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with Pentaho and MySQL" for Wiley. To date, "Pentaho Solutions" is still the only all-round book on the open source Pentaho Business Intelligence suite.

It was an extremely interesting project to participate in, full of new experiences. Although the act of writing was time consuming and at times very trying for me as well as my family, it was completely worth it. I have none but happy memories of the collaboration with my full …

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Re-Introducing UDJC

Dear Kettle fans,

Daniel & I had a lot of fun in Orlando last week. Among other things we worked on the User Defined Java Class (UDJC) step.  If you have a bit of Java Experience, this step allows you to quickly write your own plugin in a step. This step is available in recent builds of Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) version 4.

Now, how does this work?  Well, let’s take Roland Bouman’s example : the calculation of the the date of Easter.  In this blog post, Roland explains how to calculate Easter in MySQL and Kettle using JavaScript.  OK, so what if you want this calculation to be really fast in Kettle?  Well, then you can turn to pure Java to do the job…

import …
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Easter Eggs for MySQL and Kettle

To whom it may concern,
A MySQL stored function to calculate easter day
I uploaded a MySQL forge snippet for the f_easter() function. You can use this function in MySQL statements to calculate easter sunday for any given year:

mysql> select f_easter(year(now()));
| f_easter(year(now())) |
| 2010-04-04 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Anonymous Gregorian algorithm
To implement it, I simply transcribed the code of the "Anonymous Gregorian algorithm" from wikipedia's Computus article.

You might ask yourself: "how does …

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My OSCON 2009 Session: Taming your Data...


Finally, it's there: In a few hours, I will be flying off to San Franscisco to attend OSCON 2009 in San Jose, California. This is the first time I'm attending, and I'm tremendously excited to be there! The sessions look very promising, and I'm looking forward to seeing some excellent speakers. I expect to learn a lot.

I'm also very proud and feel honoured to have the chance to deliver a session myself. It's called Taming Your Data: Practical Data Integration Solutions with Kettle.

Unsurprisingly, I will be talkig a lot about Kettle, a.k.a. Pentaho Data Integration. Recently, I talked about Kettle too at the …

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Starring Sakila: MySQL university recording, slides and materials available onMySQLForge


Yesterday I had the honour of presenting my mini-bi/datawarehousing tutorial "Starring Sakila" for MySQL University. I did a modified version of the presentation I did together with Matt Casters at the MySQL user's conference 2009. The structure of the presentation is still largely the same, although I condensed various bits, and I added practical examples of setting up the ETL process and creating a Pentaho Analysis View (OLAP pivot table) on top of a Mondrian Cube.

The slides, session recording, and materials such as SQL script, pentaho data integration jobs and transformations, and Sakila Rentals Cube for Mondrian are all available here on MySQL Forge.
Copyright Notice
Presentation slides, and …

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Google Goodies and Lego

Dear Kettle friends,

Will Gorman and Mike D’Amour, Senior Developers at Pentaho, are presenting Pentaho’s Google integration work at the Google I/O Developer Conference. (at the Sandbox area to be specific)   Yesterday, Pentaho announced that much.

Here are a few of the integration points:

  • Google maps dashboard (available in the Pentaho BI server you can download)
  • A new Google Docs step was created for Pentaho Data Integration Enterprise Edition
  • Running (AVI, 30MB) the …
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PDI cloud : massive performance roundup

Dear Kettle fans,

As expected there was a lot of interest in cloud computing at the MySQL conference last week.  It felt really good to be able to pass the Bayon Technologies white paper around to friends, contacts and analysts.  It’s one thing to demonstrate a certain scalability on your blog, it’s another entirely to have a smart man like Nicholas Goodman do the math.

Sorting massive amounts of rows is hard problem to take on.  Making it scale on low-cost EC2 instances is interesting as it …

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Next week : MySQL UC

Dear Kettle & MySQL fans!

I’m really looking forward to go to the MySQL User Conference next week, not just because I’m speaking in 2 sessions again, but perhaps also because these are “interesting” times for MySQL and Sun Microsystems.  Pivotal times it would seem.

Here are the 2 sessions I’m going to do:

  • Cloud Computing with MySQL and Kettle : I’m particularly happy that MySQL accepted this session: it will demonstrate how easy it has become to do cloud computing exercises with tools like MySQL and Kettle.
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Resource exporter

Dear Kettle fans,

One of the things that’s been on my TODO list for a while was the creation of a resource exporter

Resource exporter?

It’s called “Resource exporter” and not “Job exporter” or “Transformation exporter” because it is intended to export more than just a single job or transformation.  It exports all linked resources of a job or transformation.

The means that if you have a job that has 5 transformation job entries, you will be exporting 6 resources (1 job and 5 transformations).  If those transformations use 3 sub-transformations (mappings) you will in total export 9 resources.

The whole idea behind this exercise is to be able to create a package (for example to send to someone) that has all needed resources contained in a single zip file.

Let’s …

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