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Displaying posts with tag: Vadim Tkachenko (reset)
Percona Software in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) release

I’d like to congratulate Canonical with the new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Release, it really looks like a great release, and I say it having my own agenda It looks even more great because it comes with a full line of Percona Software.
If you install Ubuntu 14.04 and run aptitude search you will find:

Percona Toolkit and …

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Quick review of InfiniDB 4

I’ve mentioned InfiniDB before in a previous post titled, “Star Schema Bechmark: InfoBright, InfiniDB and LucidDB,” but it’s been 4 years since that was published. Recently I evaluated column-storage solutions for Percona Cloud Tools and took another look at InfiniDB 4. There was the release of version 4, which I think is worth attention.

What is interesting in InfiniDB 4:

  • Fully OpenSource, GPLv2. There is no reserved features for Enterprise version
  • Multiple CPUs are used even for single query execution
  • WINDOW functions in SQL queries

What is WINDOW functions? In short, in regular SQL for a given row you can’t access to previous and …

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16000 active connections – Percona Server continues to work when others die

We just published results with improvements in Thread Pool in Percona Server:
Percona Server: Thread Pool Improvements for Transactional Workloads
Percona Server: Improve Scalability with Thread Pool

What I am happy to see is that Percona Server is able to handle a tremendous amount of user connections. From our charts you can see it can go to 16000 active connections without a decline in throughput.

In fact, in our experiments we used 25000 connections and even more, so I think now we face OS limitations in handling connections as …

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Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 GA release now available

Percona is pleased to announce the first General Availability release of the leading open source High Availability solution for MySQL, Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 on January 30, 2014. Binaries are available from downloads area or from our software repositories.

Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 is an active/active cluster solution for High Availability (HA) MySQL that delivers performance and MySQL-based cluster management features available nowhere else. This free, open source solution combines …

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MySQL performance optimization: Don’t guess! Measure with Percona Cloud Tools

In our practice we often see that MySQL performance optimization is done in a sort of “black magic” way. A common opinion is: “If there is a performance problem – then it must be a database issue, because what else could it be? And if this is a database issue, then it must involve IO problems because the reason for a slow database is always a slow IO…”  Following this logic might actually give a result, but achieving a fully successful resolution would require magic.

At Percona we use a different approach. Performance optimization should not be based on guesses, but exact measurements. In application to databases, I described previously, we use queries as units of work. And a proper measurement of these units is the first important task in …

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Analyzing WordPress MySQL queries with Query Analytics

This blog,, is powered by WordPress, but we never really looked into what kind of queries to MySQL are used by WordPress. So for couple months we ran a Query Analytics (part of Percona Cloud Tools) agent there, and now it is interesting to take a look on queries. Query Analytics uses reports produced by pt-query-digest, but it is quite different as it allows to see trends and dynamics of particular query, in contrast to pt-query-digest, which is just one static report.

Why looking into queries important? I gave an intro in my previous post from this series.

So Query Analytics give the report on the top queries. How to detect which query is “bad”?
One of metrics I am typically looking into is ratio of “Rows …

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Percona Cloud Tools: Making MySQL performance easy

One of our primary focuses at Percona is performance. Let me make some statements on what is “performance.”

In doing so I will refer to two pieces of content:

I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with both of them.


Performance is about tasks and time.
We say that the system is performing well if it executes a task in an acceptable period of time, or that the …

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A closer look at Percona Server 5.6

Yesterday we announced the GA release of Percona Server 5.6, the latest release of our enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL. Percona Server 5.6 is the best free MySQL alternative for demanding applications. Our third major release, Percona Server 5.6 offers all the improvements found in MySQL 5.6 Community Edition plus scalability, availability, backup, and security features some of which are found only in MySQL 5.6 Enterprise Edition.

Percona Server 5.6 comes with:

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TokuDB vs InnoDB in timeseries INSERT benchmark

This post is a continuation of my research of TokuDB’s  storage engine to understand if it is suitable for timeseries workloads.

While inserting LOAD DATA INFILE into an empty table shows great results for TokuDB, what’s more interesting is seeing some realistic workloads.

So this time let’s take a look at the INSERT benchmark.

What I am going to do is to insert data in 16 parallel threads into the table from the previous post:

CREATE TABLE `sensordata` (
  `ts` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `sensor_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `data1` double NOT NULL,
  `data2` double NOT NULL,
  `data3` double NOT NULL,
  `data4` double NOT NULL,
  `data5` double NOT …
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Considering TokuDB as an engine for timeseries data

I am working on a customer’s system where the requirement is to store a lot of timeseries data from different sensors.

For performance reasons we are going to use SSD, and therefore there is a list of requirements for the architecture:

  • Provide high insertion rate
  • Provide a good compression rate to store more data on expensive SSDs
  • Engine should be SSD friendly (less writes per timeperiod to help with SSD wear)
  • Provide a reasonable response time (within ~50 ms) on SELECT queries on hot recently inserted data

Looking on these requirements I actually think that TokuDB might be a good fit for this task.

There are several aspects to consider. This time I want to compare TokuDB vs InnoDB on an initial load time and space consumption.

Let’s …

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Showing entries 11 to 20 of 36
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