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Displaying posts with tag: MySQLâ„¢ (reset)
Using Partitioning in MySQL™ 5.1

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Partitioning in MySQL™ 5.1. It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Table Partitioning in MySQL™ 5.1.


1. Introduction
2. Partitioning a Table
2.1 Creating a Partitioned Table using the Create Table Wizard and the Partition Editor - A Range Partitioning Example
2.2 Partitioning a Table that already exits - An Hash Partitioning Example
3. Creating and Dropping Partitions
3.1 Adding Partitions
3.2 Dropping Range (or List) Partitions
3.2.1 Multi-Dropping of Partitions
3.3 Aggregating Hash (or Key) Partitions
4. Reorganizing Partitions
5. Repartitioning a Table
6. Removing Partitioning
7. Retrieving Information about Partitions
7.1 Partitions’ …

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Using Table Log in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Table Logs in MySQL™ 5.1 . It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Table Logging in MySQL™ 5.1.


1. Introduction
2. Brief Introduction to the Server Logs Management Window
3. The General Log Table
4. General Log Administration
5. General Log Data: Selecting, Sorting, Filtering Log Data
6. Quick Tour of the other features of the Server Logs Management Window
7. Other Resources …

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New variables included in MySQL™ 6.0.6-alpha

If this can be of any interest, the following is the list of new variables included in MySQL™ v.6.0.6-alpha. Maria-variables already included in prev. binary versions (like 5.1.23-maria) are not count here.

  1. falcon_checksums: (default ON) to calculate and verify page checksums.
  2. falcon_serial_log_file_size: not documented.
  3. falcon_use_sectorcache:  not documented.
  4. falcon_use_supernodes: not documented.
  5. maria_force_start_after_recovery_failures: Number of consecutive log recovery failures after which logs will be automatically deleted to cure the problem; 0 (the default) disables the feature.
  6. maria_recover: Specifies how corrupted tables should be automatically repaired.

No new status variables have been included. …

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Using Cluster Disk Data in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on] Contents

  • Introduction
  • Log File Group & UndoFiles
  • TableSpaces & DataFiles
  • Cluster Disk Objects Metadata
  • Creating Cluster Disk Tables
  • Dropping Cluster Disk Data Objects
  • The Cluster Monitor
  • Cluster Disk Data Limitations
  • Cluster Disk Data Quiz
  • Other Resources

1. Introduction

Cluster Disk Data is a new …

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Using Plugins in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Plugins. It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Plugins in MySQL™ 5.1

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at


  • Introduction
  • Plugins Metadata
  • Retrieving the list of Plugins
  • The Plugins Editor
  • The Plugins Tab of the Server Properties Window …
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Using Federated Servers in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Federated Servers . It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Federated Servers in MySQL™ 5.1

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at



  • Introduction
  • Federated Server Metadata
  • Retrieving the list of Federated Servers
  • The Federated Server …
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Using Scheduled Events in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Scheduled Events . It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Scheduled Events in MySQL™ 5.1

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at



  • Introduction
  • The Scheduled Event Editor
    1. Performed Action
    2. Advanced
    3. Comment …
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[HoneyMonitor Tutorial] Brief Introduction to the Server Objects List

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the Server Objects List included in HoneyMonitor. I am writing it because I will reference it in some posts I am going to write in the next weeks. Furthermore, it could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it.

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at



  • Introduction
  • Connections Tree
  • Metadata Catalog
  • Using the Server Objects List
  • Other …
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MySQL™ European Customer Conferences 2008

There will be 3 conferences in Europe for Customers and Users:

As usual there is an early bird discount if you register until August 31st.

More details on …

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New Competition for MySQL’ers

I hear now about a new competition for the MySQL® Users. The ‘MySQL® 5.1 Use Case Competition’ has been just launched by the Community Team @ SUN|MySQL.

If you submit a MySQL® 5.1 Use Case Report to the Community Team by 31 August 2008 you will have a chance of winning:

  • 1st-3rd prize: A MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 Pass, including a dinner with MySQL co-founder Michael “Monty” Widenius
  • 4th-10th prize: MySQL® Community Contributor T-shirts
  • 11th-20th prize: A Sakila mascot (MySQL®’s pet dolphin)

More information at

[Reminder for the Community Team: the page …

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Showing entries 11 to 20 of 22
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