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Displaying posts with tag: perf (reset)
Feedback directed optimization with GCC and Perf

Gcc 5.0 has added support for FDO which uses perf to generate profile. There is documentation for this in gcc manual, to quote:

Enable sampling-based feedback-directed optimizations, and the following optimizations which are generally profitable only with profile feedback available: -fbranch-probabilities, -fvpt, -funroll-loops, -fpeel-loops, -ftracer, -ftree-vectorize,
-finline-functions, -fipa-cp, -fipa-cp-clone, -fpredictive-commoning, -funswitch-loops, -fgcse-after-reload, and -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns.
path is the name of a file containing AutoFDO profile information. If omitted, it defaults to fbdata.afdo in the current directory.
Producing an AutoFDO …

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What stopped MySQL? Tracing back signals sent to MySQL

Have you ever had a case where you needed to find a process which sent a HUP/KILL/TERM or other signal to your database? Let me rephrase. Did you ever have to find which process messed up your night? If so, you might want to read on. I’m going to tell you how you can find it.

Granted, on small and/or meticulously managed systems tracking down the culprit is probably not a big deal. You can likely identify your process simply by checking what processes have enough privileges to send mysqld a HUP/KILL/TERM signal. However, frequently we see cases where this may not work or the elimination process would be too tedious to execute.

We recently had a case where a process was frequently sending SIGHUPs to mysqld and the customer asked us to see if we could get rid of his annoyance. This blog is the direct result of a discussion I had with my colleague …

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Performance talk at Velocity

As I indicated in my previous post on MySQL performance, we have been doing some performance work using an internally developed web2.0 application. Akara and I will be presenting this app publicly to a large audience for the first time at the upcoming Velocity Conference in Burlingame, CA on June 23, 24. Check out our abstract.  Most of our work uses Cool Stack so a lot of the results we will be presenting will be based on that. If you're struggling with performance issues, this conference may be worth checking out.
If you will be attending the conference, please stop by and say hello. It's always good to see people whom we only know through blogs and forums.

Performance talk at Velocity

As I indicated in my previous post on MySQL performance, we have been doing some performance work using an internally developed web2.0 application. Akara and I will be presenting this app publicly to a large audience for the first time at the upcoming Velocity Conference in Burlingame, CA on June 23, 24. Check out our abstract.  Most of our work uses Cool Stack so a lot of the results we will be presenting will be based on that. If you're struggling with performance issues, this conference may be worth checking out.
If you will be attending the conference, please stop by and say hello. It's always good to see people whom we only know through blogs and forums.

Performance talk at Velocity

As I indicated in my previous post on MySQL performance, we have been doing some performance work using an internally developed web2.0 application. Akara and I will be presenting this app publicly to a large audience for the first time at the upcoming Velocity Conference in Burlingame, CA on June 23, 24. Check out our abstract.  Most of our work uses Cool Stack so a lot of the results we will be presenting will be based on that. If you're struggling with performance issues, this conference may be worth checking out.
If you will be attending the conference, please stop by and say hello. It's always good to see people whom we only know through blogs and forums.

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