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Displaying posts with tag: twindb (reset)
TwinDB Backup Tool Release 2.15.7

Some time ago, our team released a new version of TwinDB Backup Tool that contains minor fixed and some major improvements. In this article I want to highlight major features in this release. Status refactoring The tool stores backups metadata in a JSON file that I will refer further as the status. The status is […]

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MySQL Users Management Using ProxySQL Tools

Recently, we have implemented a set of new commands in ProxySQL Tools to manage MySQL users. You can create, delete, and modify users from the command line. Following commands are available: [crayon-5cbe24b510204552116729/] You can set a user’s password at the time of creation with —-password option, or later on with the set_password sub-command. Create user Let’s add a […]

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How to Backup MySQL 5.7

If you ever tried to backup MySQL 5.7 with Percona Xtrabackup that comes in percona-xtrabackup package most likely you got error message like this: [crayon-5ba957f33e1f1811481611/] This happens because percona-xtrabackup actually installs version 2.3 that doesn’t support MySQL 5.7. To take copies from MySQL 5.7 you need to use Percona XtraBackup version 2.4 and higher. Starting from […]

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Show differences found by pt-table-checksum

pt-table-checksum perfectly solves problem of checking if master and its slaves are in-sync. It answers the question “Are the slaves consistent with the master?”. However if the answer is “No” pt-table-checksum doesn’t actually tell what exactly is different. [crayon-59f9aff300dfa915077909/] pt-table-sync may give a partial answer. It can print SQL statements to sync the replication cluster. Reading the SQL […]

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TwinDB talks on Percona Live 2016

Percona Live is a Christmas in MySQL world. It’s time when all friends and family gather over a glass of beer. Everyone is talking about achievements of the last year and make New Year resolutions for a next one.

There will be two talks from TwinDB this year. One is about data recovery and one – about backups.

The data recovery talk is a kind of traditional talk. I will briefly cover InnoDB files format so you know where to look for data. I will show how to recover data from two most popular accidents: InnoDB tablespace corruption and DROP TABLE or DROP DATABASE. Data recovery is impossible without table structure recovery. I will show how to get the structure from an .frm file or from InnoDB dictionary (think of DROP TABLE when the .frm file is gone). We made a drastic improvement in user …

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TwinDB Really Loves Backups

A week or two ago one of my former colleagues (at Percona) Jevin Real gave a talk titled Evolving Backups Strategy, Deploying pyxbackup at Percona Live 2015 in Amsterdam. I think Jervin raised some very good points about where MySQL backup solutions in general fall short. There are definitely a lot of tools and scripts out there that claim to do MySQL backups correctly, but don’t actually do it correctly. What I am more interested though is in measuring TwinDB against the points that Jervin highlighted to see if TwinDB falls short too.


We distribute TwinDB agent as a package that can be installed using the standard OS package management system. For example, using YUM on CentOS, RHEL and Amazon Linux, or using APT …

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How to recover table structure from FRM files online

Recently we announced MySQL Data Recovery Portal. Here we automated some data recovery routines and published web interface to them.

First, it was a tool to estimate recovery chances from corrupted InnoDB tablespaces.

Now it’s even more exciting and useful feature – recovery table structure from FRM files online.

There are several methods to recover MySQL table structure from FRM files.

On MySQL Data Recovery Portal we utilize a combination of them.

Fake table method

The idea is to create a dummy InnoDB table, replace its .frm file with .frm file we want to recover and run SHOW CREATE TABLE.

Let’s say we have actor.frm and we want to get structure of table actor.

Algorithm is following:

Create a dummy table with the same name, actor. The …

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Containing your logical backups: mydumper in docker

Even with software like Percona Xtrabackup, logical backups remain an important component of a thorough backup strategy. To gather a logical backup in a timely fashion we rely on a tool called mydumper. In the Percona Managed Services department we’re lucky enough to have one of the project’s most active contributors and many of the latest features and bug fixes have been released to satisfy some of our own use cases. Compiling mydumper remains one of my personal bug bears and undoubtedly the highest barrier to entry for many potential adopters. There are a few conditions that make compiling it difficult, tiring or even prohibitive. The open source logical backup tool does not supply any official packages, however our friends over at …

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