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MySQL Conf08 - Erica Brescia, CEO BitRock

Last but not least in my series of podcasts from this year's My SQL Conference and Expo, is my conversation with Erica Brescia, CEO of BitRock.  BitRock is the company behind BitNami and InstallBuilder and counts as its clients companies like MySQL, JasperSoft, KnowledgeTree, SugarCRM...

My interview with Erica (9:34)  Listen (Mp3)   Listen (ogg)

Erica, still standing and smiling at …

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MySQL Conf08 - Hangin' with Brian Aker

Here is number 5 in my series of six podcasts from last week's MySQL conference and expo.

Just after lunch on Tuesday, I was able to corner Brian Aker, former CTO of MySQL, introduce myself and ask him if he was up for a podcast.  Without any convincing or arm twisting he happily agreed. :)

My interview with Brian (9:18)  Listen (Mp3)   Listen (ogg)

Brian's lenses adapt to match the art around him. 

Some of the …

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MySQL Conf08 - Talkin' to Baron Schwartz, Community Award Winner

Last week at the MySQL conference and expo in Santa Clara, I was able to grab some time with Baron Schwartz,  the man behind  innotop and Maatkit (formerly known as Prince MySQL Toolkit).  Baron was also one of the three winners of the Community Code Contributor of the year award.

My interview with Baron (11:39)  Listen (Mp3)   …

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MySQL Conf08 - Chattin' with Zack Urlocker

Last time I interviewed Zack it was the day that MySQL officially became a part of Sun Microsystems and it was over the phone.  Last week however we were both at the MySQL conference and got meet face to face.  Here is the resulting interview, enjoy!

My interview with Zack (9:24)  Listen (Mp3)   Listen (ogg)

Zack's …

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MySQL Conf08 - My Interview with Jennifer Venable of Red Hat

Last Tuesday when I was walking the show floor at the MySQL conference, I ran into a familiar name,  Jennifer Venable.  I had never met Jennifer before but we had traded mails and had spoken on the phone.  This was about 18 months ago when we were negotiating the renewal of Sun's contract as an Authorized Distributor of Red Hat.  At that time, Jennifer was the Red Hat lawyer working on the contract.

Well since that time Jennifer has escaped from the Red Hat legal ranks and has joined the business side where, as of a couple of months ago, she took over as head of the Red Hat Exchange. 

Take a listen.

My interview with Jennifer (12:25)  Listen (

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Pics from MySQL Conference '08

This past week I was out in the Bay Area for the MySQL Conference and Expo.  I hit the pre-event parties and attended the conference's opening day.   The first day featured a great set of opening keynotes from Marten Mickos, Jonathan Schwartz and Werner Vogel, CTO of Amazon. 

Marten Mickos, tellin' like it is. 

Jonathan Schwartz divulging Sun's "secret plot." 

The main reason for my attendance at the Conference was to get a bunch of podcast interviews as well as to be interviewed by the press as Sun's "Linux Guy."  I ended talking to the Register, Information Week and DevX as an interviewee. 

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MySQL Conf Kicks off with Parties at Marten's and Pedro's

I got into San Jose last night around 4:00, picked up my rental car and headed over to the annual pre-conference party at Marten Mickos' house.  The food was amazing and it was great to finally meet the MySQL crowd in person.

It wasn't long however before I was invited by the MySQL Community Team to join them as they headed to the next event on the social calendar.   Armed with a garbage bag full of stuffed dolphins we headed over to Pedro's and the …

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Send your employees to the MySQL Conference

A lot of people contact me asking if I’m looking for a job. (I have an unanswered email in my inbox right now.) People are looking desperately for qualified, knowledgeable MySQL professionals. There’s a critical shortage of people who can admin MySQL moderately well, much less at the guru level.

If you are one of the many who are trying to hire a MySQL DBA, you should send your employees to the MySQL Conference and Expo. Not just this year — every year. Train a smart person instead of trying to hire someone who’s ready to go now.

This is the unfortunate reality: MySQL’s popularity has caused demand to far exceed supply. That’s what happens when a great disruptive innovation takes hold.

What do you do in the meantime?

If you just need a little help, hire a part-time DBA and get some consulting help. Without endorsing them directly, may I suggest …

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