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Displaying posts with tag: prepared statement (reset)
MySQL JDBC Statement Caching

Introduction In this article, we are going to see how we can enable the MySQL JDBC Driver Statement Caching mechanism, which, unfortunately, is not enabled by default. No matter what data access framework you are using, you still need to configure the JDBC Driver if you want to get the most out of the MySQL database engine. MySQL JDBC client-side PreparedStatement As I explained in this article, by default, the MySQL JDBC Driver emulates prepared statements. So, no matter if you are executing a plain Statement or a PreparedStatement, the SQL statement... Read More

The post MySQL JDBC Statement Caching appeared first on Vlad Mihalcea.

How does a relational database execute SQL statements and prepared statements

Introduction In this article, we are going to see how a relational database executes SQL statements and prepared statements. SQL statement lifecycle The main database modules responsible for processing a SQL statement are: the Parser, the Optimizer, the Executor. A SQL statement execution looks like in the following diagram. Parser The Parser checks the SQL statement and ensures its validity. The statements are verified both syntactically (the statement keywords must be properly spelled and following the SQL language guidelines) and semantically (the referenced tables and column do exist in the database). During... Read More

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Handy stored procedure for regular DBA tasks

As a stored procedures fan, I use MySQL stored procedures to get some of my DBA tasks accomplished. To make it simple, I have a template stored procedure that can be customized for several purposes.
The template syntax contains cursor, continue handler, loop, if condition and prepared statement. Thought it may be useful for others – at least, who are searching for the MySQL Stored Procedure syntax – so I’m publishing this post!

Use case: Reorganize tables partition:

In MySQL Cluster, it is required to reorganize all NDB tables’ partitions after adding new data nodes to rebalance the data across all nodes. Also the tables need to be optimized afterwards to reclaim the memory space. For this task I use the following procedure:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS reorganize_tables;
CREATE PROCEDURE reorganize_tables (IN db_name VARCHAR(50))

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Re-factoring some internals of prepared statements in 5.7

[ this is a re-posting of what I published on the MySQL server team blog a few days ago ]
When the MySQL server receives a SELECT query, the query goes through several consecutive phases:

  • parsing: SQL words are recognized, the query is split into different parts following the SQL grammar rules: a list of selected expressions, a list of tables to read, a WHERE condition, …
  • resolution: the output of the parsing stage contains names of columns and names of tables. Resolution is about making sense out of this. For example, in “WHERE foo=3“, “foo” is a column name without a table name; by applying SQL name resolution rules, we discover the table who contains “foo” (it can be complicated if subqueries or …
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