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Displaying posts with tag: flume (reset)
Big Data with MySQL and Hadoop at MySQL Connect 2013

I will be talking about Big Data with MySQL and Hadoop at MySQL Connect 2013 (Sept. 21-22) in San Francisco as well as at Percona University at Washington, DC (September 12, 2013). Apache Hadoop is a very popular Big Data solution and we can nowadays easily integrate it with MySQL. I will start with a brief introduction of Apache Hadoop and its components (HFDS, Map/Reduce, Hive, HBase/HCatalog, Flume, Scoop, etc). Next I will show 2 major Big Data scenarios:

  • From file to Hadoop to MySQL. This is an example of “ELT” process: Extract data from external source; Load data into Hadoop; Transform data/Analyze data; Extract results to MySQL. It is similar to the original Data Warehouse ETL …
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451 CAOS Links 2011.05.31

Linus announces Linux 3.0. Attachmate maintains commitment to SUSE Linux. And more.

# Linus Torvalds announced the release candidate of Linux 3.0.

# Attachmate CEO Jeff Hawn maintained that the company is committed to SUSE Linux.

# OpenX raised $20m series D funding.

# Cloudera proposed Flume as an Apache incubator project.

# Isidorey unveiled CloudSandra: a NoSQL database-as-a-service based on Apache Cassandra.

# Wayne Beaton …

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