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JDBC Driver Connection URL strings

Introduction Ever wanted to connect to a relational database using Java and didn’t know the URL connection string? Then, this article is surely going to help you from now on. Oracle The JDBC connection properties look as follows: JDBC Driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver JDBC Url jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/orclpdb1 Hibernate Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle12cDialect And, if you want to connect using a … Continue reading JDBC Driver Connection URL strings →

The post JDBC Driver Connection URL strings appeared first on Vlad Mihalcea.

IOUG Podcast 24-AUG-2012 Rumors of MySQL’s Doom by Oracle / Design Piracy

For the week of August 24th, 2012: Everybody’s Preparing for OpenWorld Dispelling the Rumors of MySQL’s Impending Doom On Piracy of Design IOUG Podcast 24-AUG-2012 Rumors of MySQL’s Doom by Oracle / Design Piracy Subscribe to this Podcast (RSS) or … Continue reading →

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