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Displaying posts with tag: myisam (reset)

Following up on my Previous Post I decided to do little test to see how accurate stats we can get for for Index Stats created by ANALYZE TABLE for MyISAM and Innodb.

But before we go into that I wanted to highlight about using ANALYZE TABLE in production as some people seems to be thinking I advice to use it.... a lot. In fact I should say I see more systems which have ANALYZE abused - run too frequently without much need than systems which do not run ANALYZE frequently enough.

First it is worth to note MySQL only saves very basic cardinality information for index prefixes for index stats and these rarely change. There is no histograms or any other skew metrics etc. MySQL optimizer also uses number of rows in the table for many decisions but this is computed live (maintained for …

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MySQL Back to Basics: Analyze, Check, Optimize, and Repair

It felt like the right time for us to look back at some useful commands for table maintenance that some of us may not have mastered as much as we might like to think.

In my post about gathering index statistics, I referred to OPTIMIZE TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE, and REPAIR TABLE — but I never explained in depth what the different commands do, and what the differences between them are. That is what I thought I would do with this post, focusing on InnoDB and MyISAM, and the differences in how they treat those commands. I will also look at different cases and see which one is right for in each case.


Tuning Search In Drupal 5

In previous search benchmarks, I utilized random content generated with Drupal's devel module. In these latest benchmarks, I used an actual sanitized copy of the community website database, with email addresses and passwords removed. The first tests were intended to confirm that Xapian continues to perform well with large amounts of actual data. Additional tests were performed to measure the effect of various MySQL tunings and configurations. The following data was derived from several hundred benchmarks run on an Amazon AWS instance over the past week using the SearchBench module.

These tests confirm that Xapian continues to offer better search performance than Drupal's core search module. Contrary to popular belief, the data also shows that using the InnoDB storage engine for search tables significantly outperforms using the MyISAM storage engine for search tables, especially when your database server has sufficient RAM. The …

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Variable's Day Out #15: bulk_insert_buffer_size


Applicable To MyISAM
Server Startup Option --bulk_insert_buffer_size=<value>
Scope Both
Dynamic Yes
Possible Values Integer:

Range: 0 - 4294967295 (4G)

Default Value 8388608 (8M)
Category Performance


This cache is used by MyISAM to optimize bulk inserts. This cache is a special tree-like structure. Bulk inserts include statements like LOAD DATA INFILE..., …

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MyISAM Statistics Gathering

So, how does one gather statistics on indexes? With InnoDB it’s one thing, with MyISAM it’s another thing. This post however, will focus on MyISAM. There are various ways, each having their own drawbacks and positive sides.

What about ANALYZE TABLE? It’s great — very fast in InnoDB. But with MyISAM a lock occurs while scanning the table.

OPTIMIZE TABLE? Still relatively quick with MyISAM, unless the table in question is huge. InnoDB requires an ALTER TABLE — it might take forever, depending on the server configuration, as OPTIMIZE TABLE for InnoDB maps to a ALTER TABLE tableName ENGINE=InnoDB

We all know how ANALYZE TABLE, REPAIR TABLE, and OPTIMIZE TABLE work with MyISAM. However, there’s a less explored way, for MyISAM — the myisam_stats_method.

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MySQL versus PostgreSQL

I created and ran some simple tests on mysql and postgresql to figure out which one is faster. It is already known that postgresql is more stable and reliable than mysql. pgsql has a rich set of features. It is a complete RDBMS and also supports fulltext search.

All benchmarks were done on my laptop - Intel core 2 duo (2.0 GHz) with 4MB L2 cache & 2 GB ram. I have 64 Bit ubuntu system loaded

MySQL Engines: MyISAM vs. InnoDB

This article provides a comparison between the MyISAM and InnoDB storage engines for MySQL. InnoDB is commonly considered to perform worse than MyISAM, but this article aims to dispel this myth by describing the differences between these engines and what makes InnoDB a good fit for many database needs.

In addition, a look at when it is better to use MyISAM and a case study of the site provide insight for determining which engine is best for a given situation.

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MySQL Conference and Expo 2008, Day Three

Here’s a rundown of Thursday (day 3) of the MySQL Conference and Expo. This day’s sessions were much more interesting to me than Wednesday’s, and in fact I wanted to go to several of them in a single time slot a couple of times.

Inside the PBXT Storage Engine

This session was, as it sounds, a look at the internals of PBXT, a transactional storage engine for MySQL that has some interesting design techniques. I had been looking forward to this session for a while, and Paul McCullagh’s nice explanations with clear diagrams were a welcome aid to understanding how PBXT works. Unlike some of the other storage engines, PBXT is being developed in full daylight, with an emphasis on community involvement and input. (Indeed, I may be contributing to it myself, in order to make its monitoring and tuning capabilities second to none).

PBXT has not only a unique design, but a …

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Variable's Day Out #2: key_buffer_size


Engine(s) MyISAM
Server Startup Option --key_buffer_size=<value>
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Possible Values Integer
Range: 8 - 4294967295 (4 GB)
Default Value 131072 (128 KB)
Category Performance


This is a global buffer where MySQL caches frequently used blocks of index data for MyISAM data. Maximum allowed size is 4GB on a 32 bit platform. Greater values are permitted for 64-bit platforms beyond MySQL …

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Maria (aka MyISAM++)

Monty has started blogging and has announced the Early Release of the sources and Specs for Maria (aka MyISAM++). Also check out comments from Guiseppe (the Data Charmer) and from the Performance blog.

Maria and Falcon are the two newest …

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