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Displaying posts with tag: planet mysql (reset)
MySQL notes from Redwood

I had the opportunity, along with Sarah Novotny, to spend some time with folks from Oracle MySQL this past week.  All I can say is that it was an extremely positive conversation.  The attitude from those at Oracle was that … Continue reading →

MariaDB Draft Trademark Policy Available

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a post that Monty Program was working on a trademark policy for MariaDB, and we hoped to have something available for community review in early 2011.

Well, that draft is ready now. The draft is available in the MariaDB knowledgebase, and we are soliciting public feedback through January 2. During the first week of January any approved edits will be made to make a final version, and that final policy mirrored on and

Hopefully the intent of allowing the unhindered development of cool stuff related to MariaDB while protecting the value of the primary brand itself is made clear. Let us know what you think …

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Using MariaDB in production?

MariaDB 5.1 was released in February 2010. MariaDB 5.2 was released in November 2010. In terms of download numbers of MariaDB binaries from, we’ve seen 4x growth, and this is always good news (yes, we had our best download month in November 2010).

I run MariaDB on about six production servers of mine. All the Monty Program infrastructure that uses a database runs MariaDB (varying from 5.1 and 5.2). Monty Program have customers that are using MariaDB in production, and for that, watch out for some case studies.

Now I’d like to know: are you running MariaDB in a production environment?

Does it power your blog? Does it power a huge number of your servers? Have you migrated from another database? I’d like to know. Please shoot colin[AT]montyprogram[dot]com an email so I get a better feeling of how much MariaDB is being used in production environments. Who knows, it might even make a good …

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MariaDB And Trademark

I’d like to wish Henrik Ingo well now that he has publicly announced his resignation from Monty Program. Henrik, I especially wish you all the best with the new member of your family.

I know you put a lot of effort into your presentation to the Monty Program board regarding transfer of trademark ownership, and you know (and I do not mind saying externally) that I supported transfer to a non-profit designed for such purposes. Our informal, non-inclusive vote in Istanbul aside, I think the company as a whole should put a lot of thought into such matters. I would always hope the board would do the same.

And it is my understanding that this is what is happening. Not that the board made a final decision to maintain trademark ownership, but that they decided more research and …

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Recently in MariaDB #2

There has been a lot happening in the MariaDB community recently, and there has been growth. Here are some of the highlights. Thank you to all our current contributors, and to others that want to contribute, shoot community[at]askmonty[dot]org an e-mail.

MariaDB 5.2.3 binaries for Solaris and Debian Sparc

Our Sparc community contributor, Mark, has continued to make popular binaries for Solaris 10 and Debian Sparc. He’s kept up to speed with MariaDB 5.2.3, so please visit him and download the binaries.

MariaDB 5.2.3 on the openSUSE Build Service

Community contributor Michal Hrušecký has packaged MariaDB for openSUSE and its available via the …

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Hack MySQL is longer maintained

I have decided to “officially” retire Hack MySQL, which is to say that the web site (pages, tools, etc.) will no longer be maintained. The MySQL universe has changed significantly since 2004 when I began writing tools. Similarly, my professional and personal lives have changed, too. I don’t think Hack MySQL is needed or relevant any longer, and I certainly do not have the time to maintain it.

The web site will remain online for perhaps another year (since Media Temple has always provided free hosting for this site–thanks!), then I will remove it or archive it somewhere else.

For further MySQL resources, see Planet MySQL. That aggregate is, imho, the pulse of the MySQL community.

Review: MySQL Admin Cookbook

MySQL Admin Cookbook from Packt Publishing, authored by Daniel Schneller & Udo Schwedt, is a new addition to the MySQL literary genre with 99 great recipes for mastering MySQL configuration and administration. Announcing quick answers to common problems, these 99 recipes cover a broad spectrum of managing MySQL, and are appropriate for new MySQL administrators as well as more experienced administrators. MySQL Admin Cookbook is available in dead tree and PDF formats. The book's website is: with errata found at http://www/

Subjects Covered

  • Replication
  • Indexing Tools
  • Backing Up & Restoring MySQL Data
  • Managing Data
  • Monitoring & …
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Review: MySQL Admin Cookbook

MySQL Admin Cookbook from Packt Publishing, authored by Daniel Schneller & Udo Schwedt, is a new addition to the MySQL literary genre with 99 great recipes for mastering MySQL configuration and administration. Announcing quick answers to common problems, these 99 recipes cover a broad spectrum of managing MySQL, and are appropriate for new MySQL administrators as well as more experienced administrators. MySQL Admin Cookbook is available in dead tree and PDF formats. The book's website is: with errata found at http://www/

Subjects Covered

  • Replication
  • Indexing Tools
  • Backing Up & Restoring MySQL Data
  • Managing Data
  • Monitoring & …
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Fun With Information Schema - How Big is My Drupal Database??

Lately, I've had a few people ask me "How much data is in our database?". Sure, you can look at the file sizes of MyISAM tables and indexes and get a ballpark figure, but what if you need exact results, or are running InnoDB storage engine? That proves to be more challenging! In playing around with the information_schema, I've put together some queries to help:

Calculate Index Sizes

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(index_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Index Size'
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database'; 
|Total Index Size  |
|1.70 GB           |

1 row in set (1.60 sec) 

Calculate the Total Size of Stored Data

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(data_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Data Size' 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database';
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Fun With Information Schema - How Big is My Drupal Database??

Lately, I've had a few people ask me "How much data is in our database?". Sure, you can look at the file sizes of MyISAM tables and indexes and get a ballpark figure, but what if you need exact results, or are running InnoDB storage engine? That proves to be more challenging! In playing around with the information_schema, I've put together some queries to help:

Calculate Index Sizes

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(index_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Index Size'
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database'; 
|Total Index Size  |
|1.70 GB           |

1 row in set (1.60 sec) 

Calculate the Total Size of Stored Data

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(data_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Data Size' 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database';
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Showing entries 61 to 70 of 76
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