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Displaying posts with tag: General (reset)
(Another) Win for Open Storage...

Wikipedia is one of the world's most visited web sites (8th in the top 10, in fact), delivering an enormous breadth of content to an audience as vast as the internet.

But Wikipedia's evolved to become more than an on-line encyclopedia: they've become one of the world's largest search engines, they're a global source of real-time news, alongisde educational, political and health related content - and one of the world's most valuable brands and media properties.

Wikipedia's also a great example of a "redshift" application: a segment of the market that's growing faster than the technology industry's capacity to innovate. Technology companies have to pay special attention to such …

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What VERSION in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES means (hint: not what you think)

It’s the FRM file format version number.

It’s not the version of the table as one might expect (i.e. after CREATE it’s 1. Then, if you ALTER, it’s 2. Alter again 3 etc).

In Drizzle, we now return 0.

In future, I plan that Drizzle will allow the engine to say what version it is (where 0 is “dunno”).

This’ll be a good step towards being able to cope with multiple versions of a table in use at once (and making sense of this to the user).

Feeding Query Analyzer from DTrace

One of the new features in the new release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor is Query Analyzer. As the name suggests, the Query Analyzer provides information about the queries that are running on your server, the response times and row and byte statistics. The information provided is great, and it doesn’t take very long to see from the query data supplied that there are places where you could improve the the query, or even reduce the number of queries that you submit.

The system works by using the functionality of the MySQL Proxy to monitor the queries being executed and then provide that information up to the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager so that the information can be displayed within the Query Analyzer page. To get the queries monitored, you have to send the queries through the agent which both monitors their execution and sends the information on up to the Manager, along with all the other data being monitored.

The team, …

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MySQL on OpenSolaris Presentation/Transcript Now Available

As I mentioned earlier this week, I did a presentation on MySQL in OpenSolaris today.

The presentation (audio and slides) is now viewable online (and downloadable), and you can also get hold of the transcript of the questions: here (or download). The original presentation is here.

One minor difference from the presentation is that we …

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Short mental note on fulltext indexes

I rarely use MySQL Fulltext indexes. Their performance is just not good enough, so often its better to just stick with "LIKE" or move to something else like Sphinx, Lucene etc. The only nice thing about them is the ability to compute a match "rank". Well anyways I had to write a new search plugin for a project that is based around MySQL Fulltext indexes and a match rank and all as well .. except that for some reasons some words just would not produce any results. As I was trying to find a pattern I finally noticed that in my test data some words were used in most rows and exactly those were not matching. Obviously it makes sense to exclude automatically any words that have a very high hit ratio. And indeed the documentation states that by default …

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The Inside Story (Java, Microsoft and MySQL)

As consumer spending slows across the world, a variety of "brick and mortar" retailers are clearly feeling the impact. Foot traffic is slowing, and it's getting harder to balance debt laden real estate portfolios and fickle consumer trends.

For consumer product manufacturers, retail distribution is key - it's how you get in front of a customer. It's why the big PC manufacturers are all working hard to score deals with big retailers (or build their own retail outlets) around the world.

But making money on PC's is tough - for most PC makers, you're remarketing someone else's operating system and someone else's microprocessor - it's not for the faint of heart (or faint of balance sheet). For Sun, our retail distribution concerns don't surround consumer hardware (we don't make PC's) as much as consumer software - the popularity of which defines our market opportunity. …

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Country of Israel Districts

The country of Israel is broken up into 6 administrative districts with 15 sub-districts and 50 natural regions. It is my understanding according to the Isarael Central Bureau Statistics that the sub-districts are similar to what we call Provinces/States in North America and the natural regions are similar to municipalities/counties.

I’m not fully understanding the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. Are they territories of Israel or a part of another country? How would one reference where you lived if you were lived in one of these regions (ie. West Bank, Isarel)?

This knowledge maybe helpful for those that need to reference contact information or allow clients to select their country and province/state/district.

Source: Israel Central Bureau Statistics
Source: …

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Scaling MySQL on a 256-way T5440 server using Solaris ZFS and Java 1.7

Scaling MySQL on a 256-way T5440 server using Solaris ZFS and Java 1.7

A new era

In the past few years, I published many articles using Oracle as a database server. As a former Sybase system administrator and former Informix employee, it was obviously not a matter of personal choice. It was just because the large majority of Sun's customers running databases were also Oracle customers.

This summer, in our 26 Sun Solution Centers worldwide, I observed a shift. Yes, we were still seeing older solutions based on DB2, Oracle, Sybase or Informix being evaluated on new Sun hardware. But every customer project manager, every partner, every software engineer working on a new information system design asked us : Can we architect this solution with MySQL ?

In many cases, if you dared to reply YES to this question, the next interrogation would be about the scalability of the MySQL engine.

This is why I …

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Scaling MySQL on a 256-way T5440 server using Solaris ZFS and Java 1.7

Scaling MySQL on a 256-way T5440 server using Solaris ZFS and Java 1.7

A new era

In the past few years, I published many articles using Oracle as a database server. As a former Sybase system administrator and former Informix employee, it was obviously not a matter of personal choice. It was just because the large majority of Sun's customers running databases were also Oracle customers.

This summer, in our 26 Sun Solution Centers worldwide, I observed a shift. Yes, we were still seeing older solutions based on DB2, Oracle, Sybase or Informix being evaluated on new Sun hardware. But every customer project manager, every partner, every software engineer working on a new information system design asked us : Can we architect this solution with MySQL ?

In many cases, if you dared to reply YES to this question, the next interrogation would be about the scalability of the MySQL engine.

This is why I …

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Scaling MySQL on a 256-way T5440 server using Solaris ZFS and Java 1.7

Scaling MySQL on a 256-way T5440 server using Solaris ZFS and Java 1.7

A new era

In the past few years, I published many articles using Oracle as a database server. As a former Sybase system administrator and former Informix employee, it was obviously not a matter of personal choice. It was just because the large majority of Sun's customers running databases were also Oracle customers.

This summer, in our 26 Sun Solution Centers worldwide, I observed a shift. Yes, we were still seeing older solutions based on DB2, Oracle, Sybase or Informix being evaluated on new Sun hardware. But every customer project manager, every partner, every software engineer working on a new information system design asked us : Can we architect this solution with MySQL ?

In many cases, if you dared to reply YES to this question, the next interrogation would be about the scalability of the MySQL engine.

This is why I …

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