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Displaying posts with tag: students (reset)
MySQL Session at VIT, Vellore

As part of Sun's university relations, seven Sun engineers- Vadiraj, Varun, Blessen, Lawrence, Nirmal, Gautham and yours truly went to Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore during the past weekend for a multi-track technology talks on Java ME, GlassFish, MySQL, JavaFX, Open Solaris Virtualization technologies.

There were three parallel tracks:

  • J2ME, GlassFish, MySQL- which form a nice combination of Client, Middleware and Database technologies and our (Vadiraj, Varun and Me) idea was to give hints here and there to the students how to bring all the three technolgies to develop applications and how each fits into the holistic idea. My MySQL slides are available here.
  • JavaFX
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MySQL Session at VIT, Vellore

As part of Sun's university relations, seven Sun engineers- Vadiraj, Varun, Blessen, Lawrence, Nirmal, Gautham and yours truly went to Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore during the past weekend for a multi-track technology talks on Java ME, GlassFish, MySQL, JavaFX, Open Solaris Virtualization technologies.

There were three parallel tracks:

  • J2ME, GlassFish, MySQL- which form a nice combination of Client, Middleware and Database technologies and our (Vadiraj, Varun and Me) idea was to give hints here and there to the students how to bring all the three technolgies to develop applications and how each fits into the holistic idea. My MySQL slides are available here.
  • JavaFX
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GlassFish @ University of Essex and Frankfurt - Go Campus Ambassadors!

This blog highlights couple of contributions by Campus Ambassadors (CA) from University of Essex and Frankfurt towards GlassFish.

Jenya Kovalchuk (Campus Ambassador in the University of Essex, UK) gave a talk on GlassFish. The pre- and post-conditions of talk are really compelling:

Pre-condition: No one out of 25 present ever heard about GlassFish
Post-condition: Everyone is looking forward to put their hands on, how great it is! dear all, we are approaching labs where …

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GlassFish and MySQL Student Contest - Winners announced

GlassFish and MySQL student contest winners are announced!

Kolli Bharath from Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India (review, project) and Tomas Augusto Muller, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil (review, …

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GlassFish and MySQL Student Contest - 3 steps to earn $500

Are you a student and like to earn $500 ? Here are three steps:

That's all it takes for a chance to win $500. And there are 5 $250 second prizes as well. The prize money comes right in time for winter holiday shopping :)

A pre-compiled list of several projects is available for you to get started. And you can certainly churn an innovative idea from your creative mind!

Make sure to read the …

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SUN™ Campus Ambassador Program - Open Positions in Italy

I’d like to inform members of the MySQL™ Community about an amazing Program @ Sun™ Developer Network: the Campus Ambassador Program.

Sun has more than 500 campus ambassadors worldwide who help spread knowledge and awareness of leading-edge technologies such as Java™, NetBeans™ IDE, OpenSolaris™, and many more.

Now that MySQL™ is part of SUN™ I guess that you can be ambassador of MySQL™ too, among the other SUN™’s products.

Campus ambassadors are Sun™ Microsystems interns who build a Sun™ community on their school or university campus. They learn all about the latest Sun™ open-source technologies and share that knowledge with fellow students. This includes activities such as starting a Sun™ user group on campus, demonstrating Sun™ technology to fellow students, …

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Students: OpenSolaris, NetBeans blogging contest

As some of you would have recently noticed, I’ve started playing around (I can’t really say using, seeing that its still not a daily basis kind of thing for me yet) with OpenSolaris and NetBeans. Now, Sun is encouraging students to use, review, and blog about these two great products - check out the student reviews contests.

If you’ve not tried OpenSolaris 2008.05, you should probably give it a twirl. Sure, I’ve not installed it on bare metal hardware yet (I’ve been travelling so much, I’m not anywhere near machines), but it works fine inside VirtualBox. NetBeans is great if you’re writing Java, Ruby, PHP, and are connecting to a database - Connector/J for MySQL …

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Showing entries 1 to 7