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Displaying posts with tag: SUNâ„¢ (reset)
SUN™ Campus Ambassador Program - Open Positions in Italy

I’d like to inform members of the MySQL™ Community about an amazing Program @ Sun™ Developer Network: the Campus Ambassador Program.

Sun has more than 500 campus ambassadors worldwide who help spread knowledge and awareness of leading-edge technologies such as Java™, NetBeans™ IDE, OpenSolaris™, and many more.

Now that MySQL™ is part of SUN™ I guess that you can be ambassador of MySQL™ too, among the other SUN™’s products.

Campus ambassadors are Sun™ Microsystems interns who build a Sun™ community on their school or university campus. They learn all about the latest Sun™ open-source technologies and share that knowledge with fellow students. This includes activities such as starting a Sun™ user group on campus, demonstrating Sun™ technology to fellow students, …

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Vista™, Virtual Box, Solaris™ 10, MySQL™ Cluster

..aka how to spend a magnificent Sunday-Monday in SUN’s company :)

If your applications run on Windows™ and you need a MySQL™ Cluster for testing purposes you can use Virtual Box to install SUN Solaris™  10 and set up the Database Cluster creating 4 Solaris™ Zones (4 IP are required for a minimal Cluster setup).

It’s an interesting scenario.

You will need:

You can create the Solaris™ Zones manually or you can create them …

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