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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 5.1 (reset)
Is Drizzle good for MySQL?

Have you heard of Drizzle? It was announced at OSCON yesterday and is all over the blogosphere. From the Drizzle FAQ:

* So what are the differences between is and MySQL?

No modes, views, triggers, prepared statements, stored procedures, query cache, data conversion inserts, ACL. Fewer data types. Less engines, less code. Assume the primary engine is transactional.

Also from the FAQ is that, right now at least, there is no intention to make this run natively on windows and they make the point:

* "This is not a SQL compliant relational..."

Very true, and we do not aim to be that.

It is a fork of MySQL that takes it backward to pre-5.0 in features but hopefully greatly reduces the bugs and instabilities. I plan to look at it but I don't see …

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New Competition for MySQL’ers

I hear now about a new competition for the MySQL® Users. The ‘MySQL® 5.1 Use Case Competition’ has been just launched by the Community Team @ SUN|MySQL.

If you submit a MySQL® 5.1 Use Case Report to the Community Team by 31 August 2008 you will have a chance of winning:

  • 1st-3rd prize: A MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 Pass, including a dinner with MySQL co-founder Michael “Monty” Widenius
  • 4th-10th prize: MySQL® Community Contributor T-shirts
  • 11th-20th prize: A Sakila mascot (MySQL®’s pet dolphin)

More information at

[Reminder for the Community Team: the page …

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RE: A bugs life

This is a short reply to Michael’s post “A bugs life”.

This bugs are still relevant for me:

  3. Bug #33455 Can’t retrieve Routine Parameters if the user has limited privileges

In my dreamland they would be fixed before 5.1 reaches GA but I know that probably it is difficult to add such features in a RC version.

Questions. Do you plan to fix them? If yes, can I ask you when?


LogFile Group creation - SQL Errors vs SQL Warnings

On Windows® - but I guess it’s the same on another O.S. that does not support cluster - I noticed the following behavior when trying to execute a CREATE LOGFILE GROUP syntax like this:


In v.5.1.25-rc, v.5.1.24-rc and v.5.1.23-rc, only SQL warnings are shown:

mysql> CREATE
    ->  LOGFILE GROUP `test`
    ->  ADD UNDOFILE ‘test’
    ->  INITIAL_SIZE = 33M
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.01 sec)


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Reporting MySQL Internals with Information Schema plug-ins

Last week, I described how to use the MySQL plug-in API to write a minimal 'Hello world!' information schema plug-in. The main purpose of that plug-in is to illustrate the bare essentials of the MySQL information schema plug-in interface.

In this article, I'd like to take that to the next level and demonstrate how to write an information schema plug-in that can access some of the internals of the MySQL server. For this particular purpose, we will focus on a plug-in that reports all the SAVEPOINTs available in the current session. This …

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Monitoring OS statistics with INFORMATION_SCHEMA plugins

With all the talk lately of the new INFORMATION_SCHEMA plugin API, I thought I’d have a go at making a couple. I’ve now made three different pluggable INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables - one that works from df -k - which will only work on UNIX like systems (other than AIX or HPUX) - and two which integrate the SIGAR library available from Hyperic.

I’ll post the df -k plugin in a couple of days, however I wanted to get the two I have created based on the SIGAR library ‘out to the world’ for some feedback on them! They are currently a very rough prototype (they need a little more work on return checking etc.!) - however they are currently functional.

There are two INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables within the plugin library - INFORMATION_SCHEMA.OS_STATUS and …

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Dynamic Logging Variables


1.2396 06/05/12 12:50:50 +12 -0
WL#3015: Logging Improvements - No Restarts(ver N3)
Added slow_query_log & general_log global upadatable variables.
Added slow-query-log & general-log startup options.
Added log_output, log_path, log_slow_queries_path global updatable variables.

Now we can do things like “SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;” and “SET GLOBAL log_path=’/log/tmp.log’;”.

This has been something long requested so it’s great to see this slip in to the tree in time for 5.1!

Dynamic Logging Variables


1.2396 06/05/12 12:50:50 +12 -0
WL#3015: Logging Improvements - No Restarts(ver N3)
Added slow_query_log & general_log global upadatable variables.
Added slow-query-log & general-log startup options.
Added log_output, log_path, log_slow_queries_path global updatable variables.

Now we can do things like “SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;” and “SET GLOBAL log_path=’/log/tmp.log’;”.

This has been something long requested so it’s great to see this slip in to the tree in time for 5.1!

MySQL User Conference

Long time no speak! Hey non-avid readers!

I’ve been keeping my head down lately working away in our support group, and haven’t had much time to get any tips down on my blog or even any thoughts in general.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been polishing up my presentation - MySQL for Oracle DBAs, which is on the last day - next Thursday, April 27th.

If you’re reading this - and around at our user conference next week - seek me out and say “Hi!”.

I’ll work on a number of blog posts after the conference, which will give some of the information available in my presentation as well.

Look forward to saying “Hi!” to as many of you as possible!

MySQL User Conference

Long time no speak! Hey non-avid readers!

I’ve been keeping my head down lately working away in our support group, and haven’t had much time to get any tips down on my blog or even any thoughts in general.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been polishing up my presentation - MySQL for Oracle DBAs, which is on the last day - next Thursday, April 27th.

If you’re reading this - and around at our user conference next week - seek me out and say “Hi!”.

I’ll work on a number of blog posts after the conference, which will give some of the information available in my presentation as well.

Look forward to saying “Hi!” to as many of you as possible!

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