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Displaying posts with tag: C/C++ (reset)
A few great weeks for MariaDB

I think MariaDB has had a great few weeks recently and the timeline of these events are important.

  1. 27 November 2012 – WiredTree Adds MariaDB for Faster MySQL Database Performance (well worth reading their motivations to switch)
  2. 29 November 2012 – Monty Program & SkySQL release the MariaDB Client Library for C & Java
  3. 4 December 2012 – MariaDB Foundation is announced, see ZDNet coverage.
  4. mid-December 2012 – Wikimedia Foundation starts migrating …
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Signup for Drizzle Contributor Tutorial Webinar – May 15th

Hi all!

I’ll be giving an online webinar for Drizzle contributors on Saturday, May 15th @ 1am GMT (In the U.S. this is Friday, May14th @ 9pm EDT, 6pm PDT).

Note that the DimDim widget below shows the time as May 14th @ 8pm. The widget is wrong, since DimDim does not account for daylight savings.

Space is strictly limited to 20 people and this will be done via Please register for the webinar by entering your email address in the widget below and clicking “Sign Up”.

The agenda for this 2-3 hour tutorial will be:

  1. First Steps
    • Getting registered as a contributor for Drizzle on Launchpad
    • Registering your SSH keys with Launchpad
    • Picking up and creating blueprints
    • Basics of Bazaar
    • Setting up a local code repository for …
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Holy Google Summer of Code, Batman

So, last year, Drizzle participated in the Google Summer of Code under the MySQL project organization. We had four excellent student submissions and myself, Monty Taylor, Eric Day and Stewart Smith all mentored students for the summer. It was my second year mentoring, and I really enjoyed it, so I was looking forward to this year’s summer of code.

This year, Padraig O’Sullivan, a GSoC student last year, is now working at Akiban Technologies, partly on Drizzle, and is the GSoC Adminsitrator and also a mentor for Drizzle this …

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Understanding Drizzle’s Transaction Log

Today I pushed up the initial patch which adds XA support to Drizzle’s transaction log. So, to give myself a bit of a rest from coding, I’m going to blog a bit about the transaction log and show off some of its features.

WARNING: Please keep in mind that the transaction log module in Drizzle is under heavy development and should not be used in production environments. That said, I’d love to get as much feedback as possible on it, and if you feel like throwing some heavy data at it, that would be awesome What is the Transaction Log?

Simply put, the transaction log is a record of every modification to the state of the server’s data. It is similar to MySQL’s binlog, with some substantial differences:

  • The transaction log is composed of …
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Recent Work on Improving Drizzle’s Storage Engine API

Over the past six weeks or so, I have been working on cleaning up the pluggable storage engine API in Drizzle.  I’d like to describe some of this work and talk a bit about the next steps I’m taking in the coming months as we roll towards implementing Log Shipping in Drizzle.

First, how did it come about that I started working on the storage engine API?

From Commands to Transactions

Well, it really goes back to my work on Drizzle’s replication system.  I had implemented a simple, fast, and extensible log which stored records of the data changes made to a server.  Originally, the log was called the Command Log, because the Google Protobuffer messages it contained were called message::Commands.  …

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Happiness is a Warm Cloud

Although a few folks knew about where I and many of the Sun Drizzle team had ended up, we’ve waited until today to “officially” tell folks what’s up. We — Monty Taylor, Eric Day, Stewart Smith, Lee Bieber, and myself — are all now “Rackers”, working at Rackspace Cloud. And yep, we’re still workin’ on Drizzle. That’s the short story. Read on for the longer one

An Interesting Almost 3 Years at MySQL

I left my previous position of Community Relations Manager at MySQL to begin working on Brian Aker‘s newfangled Drizzle project in October 2008.

Many people at MySQL still think that I abandoned MySQL when I did so. I did not. I merely …

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Sneak Peek - Drizzle Transaction Log and INFORMATION_SCHEMA

I've been coding up a storm in the last couple days and have just about completed coding on three new INFORMATION_SCHEMA views which allow anyone to query the new Drizzle transaction log for information about its contents. I've also finished a new UDF for Drizzle called PRINT_TRANSACTION_MESSAGE() that prints out the Transaction message's contents in a easy-to-read format.

I don't have time for a full walk-through blog entry about it, so I'll just paste some output below and let y'all take a looksie. A later blog entry will feature lots of source code explaining how you, too, can easily add INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to your Drizzle plugins.

Below is the results of the following sequence of actions:

  • Start up a Drizzle server with the transaction log enabled, checksumming enabled, and …
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Sneak Peek – Drizzle Transaction Log and INFORMATION_SCHEMA

I’ve been coding up a storm in the last couple days and have just about completed coding on three new INFORMATION_SCHEMA views which allow anyone to query the new Drizzle transaction log for information about its contents. I’ve also finished a new UDF for Drizzle called PRINT_TRANSACTION_MESSAGE() that prints out the Transaction message’s contents in a easy-to-read format.

I don’t have time for a full walk-through blog entry about it, so I’ll just paste some output below and let y’all take a looksie. A later blog entry will feature lots of source code explaining how you, too, can easily add INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to your Drizzle plugins.

Below is the results of the following sequence of actions:

  • Start up a Drizzle server with the transaction log enabled, checksumming enabled, and the …
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The Great Escape

This week, I am working on putting together test cases which validate the Drizzle transaction log’s handling of BLOB columns.

I ran into an interesting set of problems and am wondering how to go about handling them. Perhaps the LazyWeb will have some solutions.

The problem, in short, is inconsistency in the way that the NUL character is escaped (or not escaped) in both the MySQL/Drizzle protocol and the MySQL/Drizzle client tools. And, by client tools, I mean both everyone’s favourite little mysql command-line client, but also the mysqltest client, which provides infrastructure and runtime services for the MySQL and Drizzle test suites.

Even within the server and client protocol, there appears to be some inconsistency in how and when things are escaped. Take a look at this interesting output from …

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Drizzle Replication - The Transaction Log

In this installment of my Drizzle Replication blog series, I'll be talking about the Transaction Log. Before reading this entry, you may want to first read up on the Transaction Message, which is a central concept to this blog entry.

The transaction log is just one component of Drizzle's default replication services, but it also serves as a generalized log of atomic data changes to a particular server. In this way, it is only partially related to replication. The transaction log is used by components of the replication services to store changes made to a server's data. However, there is nothing that mandates that this particular transaction log be a required feature for Drizzle replication systems. For instance, Eric Lambert is currently working on a Gearman-based replication service which, …

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Showing entries 1 to 10 of 28
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