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Displaying posts with tag: connector (reset)
MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.8 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.8 is the fifth GA release with .NET Core
now supporting various connection-string options and MySQL 8.0 server

To download MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.8 GA, see the “Generally Available
(GA) Releases” tab at

Changes in Connector/NET 6.10.8 (2018-08-14, General Availability)

Functionality Added or Changed

* Optimistic locking for database-generated fields was
improved with the inclusion of the [ConcurrencyCheck,
attribute. Thanks to Tony Ohagan for the patch. (Bug
#28095165, Bug #91064)

* All recent additions to .NET Core 2.0 now are compatible
with the Connector/NET 6.10 implementation.

* With the inclusion of the Functions.Like extended method,
scalar-function mapping, and …

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Multi-Cloud SaaS Applications: Speed + Availability = Success!

In this blog post, we talk about how to run applications across multiple clouds (i.e. AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) using Continuent Clustering. You want your business-critical applications to withstand node, datacenter, availability-zone or regional failures. For SaaS apps, you also want to bring data close to your application users for faster response times and a better user experience. With cross-cloud capability, Continuent also helps avoid lock-in to any particular cloud provider.

The key to success for the database layer is to be available and respond rapidly.

From both a business and operational perspective, spreading the application across cloud environments from different vendors provides significant protection against vendor-specific outages and vendor lock-in. Running on multiple platforms provides greater …

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MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5.61, MariaDB Connector/C 3.0.6 and MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.0.6 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5.61 as well as MariaDB Connector/C 3.0.6 and MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.0.6 all stable releases. See the release notes and changelogs for details. Download MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5.61 Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB Galera Cluster? Download MariaDB Connector/C 3.0.6 Release Notes Changelog […]

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Mastering Continuent Clustering Series: Converting a standalone cluster to a Composite Primary/DR topology using INI configuration

In this blog post, we demonstrate how to convert a single standalone cluster into a Composite Primary/DR topology running in two data centers.

Our example starting cluster has 5 nodes (1 master and 4 slaves) and uses service name alpha. Our target cluster will have 6 nodes (3 per cluster) in 2 member clusters alpha_east and alpha_west in composite service alpha.

This means that we will reuse the existing service name alpha as the name of the new composite service, and create two new service names, one for each cluster (alpha_east and alpha_west).

Below is an INI file extract example for our starting standalone cluster with 5 nodes:



To convert the above configuration to a Composite Primary/DR:

  1. First you must stop all services on all existing nodes:
    shell> stopall
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MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.11 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.11, a new version of the ODBC driver for the
MySQL database management system, has been released.

The available downloads include both a Unicode driver and an ANSI
driver based on the same modern codebase. Please select the driver
type you need based on the type of your application – Unicode or ANSI.
Server-side prepared statements are enabled by default. It is suitable
for use with any MySQL version from 5.5.

This is the fifth release of the MySQL ODBC driver conforming to the
ODBC 3.8 specification. It contains implementations of key 3.8
features, including self-identification as a ODBC 3.8 driver,
streaming of output parameters (supported for binary types only), and
support of the SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection attribute (for the
Unicode driver only).

The release is now available in …

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Mastering Continuent Clustering Series: Tungsten and SELinux, a Case Study

In this blog post, we talk about what happened during an installation of the Tungsten Cluster into an environment with SELinux running and mis-configured.

An attempt to execute `tpm install` on v5.3.2 recently failed with the below error:

ERROR >> node3_production_customer_com >> Unable to run 'sudo systemctl status mysqld.service' or the database server is not running (DatasourceBootScriptCheck) 
Update the /etc/sudoers file or disable sudo by adding --enable-sudo-access=false 

Worse, this customer reported that this appeared as a WARNING only in Dev and Staging tests. So we checked, and it seemed we were able to access systemctl properly:

shell> sudo systemctl status mysqld.service
● mysqld.service - MySQL Percona Server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: activating (start-post) since Tue 2018-06-19 17:46:19 BST; 1min 15s ago …
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MySQL Shell 8.0.12 for MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Shell 8.0.12 is a maintenance release of MySQL Shell 8.0 Series
(a component of the MySQL Server). The MySQL Shell is provided under
Oracle’s dual-license.

MySQL Shell 8.0 is highly recommended for use with MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7.
Please upgrade to MySQL Shell 8.0.12.

MySQL Shell is an interactive JavaScript, Python and SQL console
interface, supporting development and administration for the MySQL
Server. It provides APIs implemented in JavaScript and Python that
enable you to work with MySQL InnoDB cluster and use MySQL as a document

The AdminAPI enables you to work with MySQL InnoDB cluster, providing
an integrated solution for high availability and scalability using
InnoDB based MySQL databases, without requiring advanced MySQL
expertise. For more information about how to configure and work with …

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MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0.12 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Node.js is a new Node.js driver for use with the X
DevAPI. This release, v8.0.12, is a maintenance release of the
MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0 series.

The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that combines
the strengths of the relational and document models using a modern,
NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing
traditional SQL.

MySQL Connector/Node.js can be downloaded through npm (see for details) or from

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more information
about how the X DevAPI is implemented in MySQL Connector/Node.js, and
its usage, see …

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MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.12 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.12 is the second GA release version of the MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0 series.

Connector/C++ 8.0 can be used to access MySQL implementing Document Store or in a traditional way, using SQL queries. It allows writing both C++ and plain C applications using X DevAPI and X DevAPI for C. It also supports the legacy API of Connector/C++ 1.1 based on JDBC4.

To learn more about how to write applications using X DevAPI, see “X DevAPI User Guide”

See also “X DevAPI Reference” at

and “X DevAPI for C Reference” at

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Mastering Continuent Clustering Series: Configuring Startup on Boot

In this blog post, we talk about how to configure automatic start at boot time for the Tungsten Clustering components.

By default, Tungsten Clustering does not start automatically on boot. To enable Tungsten Clustering to start at boot time, use the deployall script provided to create the necessary boot scripts:

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/deployall

To disable automatic startup at boot time, use the undeployall command:

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/undeployall

For Multisite/Multimaster deployments in specific, there are separate cross-site replicators running. In this case, a custom startup script must be created, otherwise the replicator will be unable to start as it has been configured in a different directory.

  1. Create a link from the Tungsten Replicator service startup script in the operating system …
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