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Displaying posts with tag: database high availabiluty (reset)
Multi-Cloud SaaS Applications: Speed + Availability = Success!

In this blog post, we talk about how to run applications across multiple clouds (i.e. AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) using Continuent Clustering. You want your business-critical applications to withstand node, datacenter, availability-zone or regional failures. For SaaS apps, you also want to bring data close to your application users for faster response times and a better user experience. With cross-cloud capability, Continuent also helps avoid lock-in to any particular cloud provider.

The key to success for the database layer is to be available and respond rapidly.

From both a business and operational perspective, spreading the application across cloud environments from different vendors provides significant protection against vendor-specific outages and vendor lock-in. Running on multiple platforms provides greater …

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New VMware Continuent 4.0.1 released

Continuing from our April 2015 release of the VMware Continuent 4.0 products is a new 4.0.1 release that provides important fixes to both the replication and MySQL clustering.For full details, read the full release notes, available at the links below, but the highlights are as follows: VMware Continuent for Replication and Data Warehousing

Expanded support for EBS Snapshots to enable MySQL table

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