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Displaying posts with tag: Brazil (reset)
GlassFish swimming to FISL, Brazil

FISL stands for "Forum Internacional Software Livre" in the Portuguese language and means "International Free Software Forum" in the English language. The punch line is "A technologia que liberta" and means "The technology that liberates".

This is the biggest event about free software in America and was attended by 7417 participants in 2008.

Just like "Freedom of Speech" is a basic human right, "Freedom of Software" is a basic right for the technology evolution. GlassFish gives you the freedom:

  • To Pick your own framework: Java EE, Ruby-on-Rails, Python/Django, Groovy/Grails, or any other
  • Choose your IDE: …
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Visiting Brazil

I’m just back home from Brazil, where I went last Sunday in order to launch MySQL’s presence in Brazil and meet with MySQL users, developers, Sun customers, the press as well as with numerou Sun colleagues. “Is this your first time in Brazil?” was a frequent question (as one could expect), and I was happy to respond that it wasn’t. In fact, I have particularly fond memories of my first visit to Brazil in 2001, as that was the trip when I decided to join MySQL AB.

They say Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet. Whoever “they” are, they’re right. The cone in the middle is Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf Mountain, der Zuckerhut, Sockertoppen).

As a European, I again noted …

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MySQL Presence Launched in Brasil

Bom dia!

On Monday and Tuesday this week, a team of MySQLers (”Sun Dolphins”) and Sunnies (”Sun Classics”) launched the commercial presence of MySQL in Brazil.

This means we have now have ambitions well beyond the growth of the MySQL user base in Brazil, which already is in the top five countries of the world when it comes to downloads. In other words,

  • we have a senior sales person assigned, with a sales goal for Brazil
  • we are recruiting sales engineers for Brazil
  • we are recruiting Support Engineers, who will deliver MySQL support in Portuguese
  • we are recruiting Consultants, who will deliver MySQL professional services in Portuguese

During the Sun Tech Days in São Paulo, we …

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JRuby for Java Skeptics, GAP in Sao Paolo, Brazil, OpenSSO, OpenDS and GF, MySQL Users Conference

A compilation of today's news of interest:

From Ruby-land, Zargony is warming up to JRbuy and explains Why I'm starting to like JRuby even though I dislike Java. And Arun writes a short list of the Advantages of JRuby over MRI.

We have been sending notifications to GAP (the GlassFish Awards Program) for a while but on MOnday we had a …

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Free and Open Source Software: Use and Production by the Brazilian Government

First up, I want to say, I’m truly impressed with Brazil. One day I will visit this amazing place, and spread the good word of open source with projects that are close to my heart: MySQL,, Fedora, and in due time, a lot more. This is a live-blog, from a most interesting talk, at JavaOne 2008. As I wrote on Twitter, “Brazil, simply impresses me. Their use of open source in government, makes me think that the rest of the world has a lot to learn from them”.

Free and Open Source Software: Use and Production by the Brazilian Government
Rogerio Santana <> +55 61 313 1400, Logistics and Information Technology Secretariat
Planning, Budget and Management Ministry
Brazilian Government

Households with Internet access: 70% in the US4k household income range. …

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