Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0 comes with an upgraded Galera 4.0 library, which provides a new feature – streaming replication. Let’s review what it is and when it might be helpful.
Previous versions of Percona XtraDB Cluster with Galera 3.x had a limitation in how big transactions are handled.
Let’s review the performance under sysbench-tpcc workload when in parallel we update a big update on a table that is even non-related to the tables in the primary workload.
Without Streaming Replication
Let’s run two workloads.
- sysbench-tpcc workload with 1 sec resolution
- In parallel run UPDATE oltp.sbtest SET k=k+1 LIMIT 1000000
Running update:
mysql> update sbtest1 set k=k+1 limit 1000000; Query OK, 1000000 rows affected (34.48 sec) Rows matched: 1000000 Changed: …[Read more]